Learning Together Through Challenge Eaton Primary School Open Evening Reception Admission September 2019 Learning Together Through Challenge
Miss Joanna Watson EYFS Leader and Reception teacher Mrs Lizzie Sully-Wood Reception teacher
Early Years Outcomes from our January 2018 Ofsted inspection “The enthusiastic, effective leadership team ensures that children develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to prepare them well for learning in Year 1.” Children have access to a range of computing resources, helping to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. “Expectations of what children are able to do in all areas of learning are high.” “Adults provide positive role models along with clear routines and high expectations that ensure that children are safe and are able to work independently at an activity for a sustained period of time.” “Children are encouraged to think carefully when responding to questions and are taught to justify their thinking.”
Teacher: Miss Watson Teaching Assistants: Mrs Loveday Miss Williamson Classes Hedgehog Class Rabbit Class Teacher: Miss Watson Teaching Assistants: Mrs Loveday Miss Williamson Teachers: Mrs. Sully- Wood and Miss Hughston Teaching Assistants: Miss Carter Mrs Freestone Jo Additional adults also work in Reception to support individual children and deliver groups sessions such as cookery.
Our Reception Classrooms We have two Reception classrooms called Hedgehog and Rabbit Class. We also share an outdoor area, a kitchen, a craft area and the castle and trim trail. The Reception Classes are very well staffed with a high adult ratio. All adults within the unit are highly experienced in early years education. Christina
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) Development Matters The EYFS is a play-based curriculum. It covers seventeen curriculum areas. Delivered in a cross- curricular, practical way. This allows children to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts.
We also plan around children’s interests. Our Topics These topics cover the 7 areas of learning: Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We also plan around children’s interests. 7
Our Daily Routines School times- 8:50am – 3:15pm Morning: 8:50- Early bird activities 8:55- Register 9:00- Read, Write Inc. (our phonics scheme) 9:25- Group work and independent learning time - Snack time, outdoor learning 10:30- Mathematics carpet session 10:45- Group work and independent learning time - outdoor learning, creative activities 11:50- Tidy up time followed by a story 12:00- Lunchtime
Our Daily Routines Afternoon: 12:00- Lunchtime 1:00- End of lunchtime, return to class ready for afternoon learning 1:15- Register followed by topic carpet session 1:30- Group work and independent learning time 2:45- Tidy up time followed by stories, songs and getting ready for hometime 3:15- Hometime
How do we teach phonics and reading in Reception? We use a comprehensive phonics scheme called Read, Write Inc. This is a structured, fast-paced programme that enables all children to quickly learn to read and write. Children take part in a fun, interactive phonics session each day. They learn a new letter sound, practise the correct formation and begin to read words containing the sounds they know.
How do we teach writing in Reception? We develop children’s fine motor skills to be able to write As the primary approach, children are taught to ‘sound-out’ words to spell. As they become more confident with this, they extend their writing to include captions and sentences. Read Write Inc teaches letter formation rhymes for writing and letter formation.
Writing opportunities in the classroom During our independent learning time, children are provided with a wide range of opportunities to apply their new phonic knowledge. For example: Can you practise writing the new letter in the sand tray, on the whiteboard, in shaving foam, on the chalkboard etc? Can you write a label for the animals in the vet role play area? Can you read the words and match them to the pictures? We provide reading, writing and maths opportunities in each area.
How do we teach maths in Reception? Carpet session 4 times a week linked to maths Weekly maths ‘job’ in books Counting when lining up In our daily routine Daily Counting in the morning Through play Cross-curricular table top activities and outdoor
Forest Schools Last year, we have introduced a highly successful programme called Forest Schools. The children go out one afternoon a week to our Spinney area from the Spring Term. In these sessions, the children learn through outdoor play which is linked to our Topic, Maths and Literacy. Example activities: Den Building Mud Kitchen Team Games Outdoor writing and reading
How does Tapestry work at home for parents? Tapestry enables parents to: Log on to view these photographs and written observations of what children are doing in class at any time. See how this evidence fits with our Early Years assessment criteria. Find out what your child’s ‘next steps’ for learning are. Upload your own photographs/ written comments to share what your child has achieved at home.
Enrichment Reception children have the opportunity to attend story club, art club and cookery clubs for Reception children. We have a cook who cooks with the children in our kitchen once every half term. Reception children go to an annual multi skills festival to enrich their Physical Education. We do half termly trips or visits.
School Trips We have half termly trips or visitors to the school linked to our learning and topics. Below is an example of our recent trips.
Breakfast and After School Club Breakfast club which runs from 7:30am – 8:50am. After school club provision runs from 3:15pm- 6:00pm. The club runs in the classroom next to Reception which makes the transition really straightforward. Christina
Partnership With Parents The two-way communication between home and school is vital in supporting your child’s learning. We aim to involve parents in their child’s learning as often as possible. Here are a few of the ways we do this: Communication Diary Reading, Writing and Maths Cafes Parent Workshops Newsletters School Facebook page
Partnership With Parents Parent consultations ‘Welcome Wednesdays’- a chance for you to pop into class at the start of the school day and support your child as they enjoy an activity ‘Tapestry’ Online Learning Journal.
Transition from Nursery to Reception We do Home Visits in Summer Term to get to know your child in an environment they are comfortable in. We hold two Stay and Play sessions for your child to get to know their new classrooms, teachers and friends. We have links with feeder Nurseries to ensure we obtain all of your child’s transition documents and assessment records before they start with us.
Time for a tour of the Reception learning environment! If you have any questions, please come and ask.