Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral UNIT 9: Characteristics and Contexts in Media Communication. VIDEOJOURNALISM Learner Name: Date: To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria; Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1:1 Analyse the characteristics and contexts for a chosen media and communication activity. x I think you chose an interesting subject which would definitely appeal to young people interested in the music and creative industries and who are looking for inspiration to launch themselves as young artists. Your research has clearly helped you to develop ideas for your own video anna both creatively and technically. You have taken some ideas from your secondary research and also used the skills you learned in your primary practical research. 1:2 Interpret research activity to develop ideas for a creative production. 2:1 Use knowledge of characteristics and contexts to plan and develop creative solutions for a chosen media and communication activity. You are organised and have shown that you managed your time well including having to reshoot your footage due to technical problems with the kit you were issued. Learn to always check the equipment yourself and get the tech to double check spares and power. The responsibility would lie with you in a work situation. Considering the problems you had anna I think you have produced a good piece of videojournalism which is informative about your subject and has content which will appeal to your chosen audience. There are, as you have pointed out a couple of issues whcih have lead to your high pass rather than very high and these are the transitions used in your edit and the sound. They are easy things to fix, the first is fixable through interview skills and the second is about placing the mic in the right place so it doesn't pick up other noise. 2:2 Apply practical skills, knowledge and understanding of characteristics and contexts to produce creative solutions for a chosen media and communication activity. 3:1 Critically evaluate creative solutions against identified characteristics and context for a chosen media and communications activity. A really strong critical evaluation of your work Anna. You have pointed out the problems you faced and stated what you have leaqrnt from the experience which you will carry forward into your future journalism projects. You have reflected on your skills as a video journalist and I think you will definitely improve from this experience. 3:2 Critically reflect on learning to inform personal development. Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: Date: 11th June 2014