Changes to NMC education programmes Joanne Green Lecturer in Work Based Learning UCLan
NMC standards for education, 2018 Standards of proficiency for registered nurses Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education Standards for student supervision and assessment Programme standards eg Standards for pre-registration nursing programmes nurses/ NMC standards for education, 2018
Headlines There are now 7 platforms: Being an accountable professional Promoting health and preventing ill health Assessing needs and planning care Providing and evaluating care Leading and managing nursing care and working in teams Improving safety and quality of care Coordinating care
Headlines Annexes Annex A – Communication and relationship management skills Annex B – Nursing procedures
Realising Professionalism: Standards for education and Training Part 2: Standards for student supervision and assessment (NMC, 2018)
Headlines Mentorship is changing Role split into practice assessors and practice supervisors The same person cannot do both roles Supervisors can be any registered health and social care professional Assessors must be on the same part of the register Practice assessors work with academic assessors to agree progression No approved NMC training programme for assessors but preparation must be of a minimum standard
Model A All registrants become supervisors All mentors and sign off mentors in a clinical area become assessors Student works with the supervisors and their assessor in that clinical area A practitioner could simultaneously act as a supervisor for one student and an assessor for another. The assessor and supervisor cannot be the same for one student For objectivity the student could be rostered with the supervisor, while the practice assessor is on another shift.
Model B As A except the assessor is not on the same clinical area but based in a nearby area
Model C Practice supervisor – any registrant Practice assessors – min 2 nurses identified from each placement area. May or may not be mentors currently They are responsible for assessing all students in their areas and will act as the nominated education link person for the ward / team Have allocated protected time as part of their job description (part clinical, part assessor)
Model D All registrants and mentors become supervisors A small team in the organisation act as practice assessors for every student across the whole organisation – the team could be drawn from existing sign off mentors, practice educators or people employed specifically as assessors.
Any other model you have considered Model E
Preparation of staff Development of standardised course content based on Part 2 standards: Practice supervisor role Mentor to Practice assessor conversion Practice assessor course from scratch Varied delivery models Joint HEI / team agreement Staff resources to be prepared for use across the NW Course design day in jan