Bronx School for Law, Government, and Justice (NY) School Profile 2012-2013 School Year Mission: The Bronx School for Law, Government and Justice is a 6-12 community that provides a high quality education for each student in a safe and nurturing learning environment. We are dedicated to empowering students to become successful learners, responsible citizens and productive members of society. To this end, students are engaged in “hands on, minds on” learning in their classes as we believe learning is a product of thinking. LGJ is unique in that we support all scholars through a rigorous law, government and justice curriculum while sharing a campus with the Bronx Court complex. Selected Indicators Total Budget $6.17 m Title I $646,717 IDEA $136,485 Per Pupil Expenditure $19,076 Completion Rate (4-year adjusted cohort) 84.1% Student Demographics Number of Students 770 Limited English Proficient (LEP) 7% Free/Reduced Lunch 76% Special Education 15.6% Student Ethnic Distribution Hispanic 66% African-American 30% White 1% Asian 2% Source:;; Student Achievement Percent Proficient or Above: New York State Test Grade 8: Math Grade 8: English Language Arts † indicates subgroup data unavailable for all years Source:;
Mapping the Principal Pipeline Principal-qualifying programs operating in 2012-13 District Mean number of principals hired annually, 2011-12 and 2012-13 Principal-qualifying programs, by size of graduating cohort, 2013 More than 30 21-30 11-20 Up to 10 New York City 200 District-sponsored: -Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program -Assistant Principals’ Institute Nonprofit-sponsored: -NYCLA Aspiring Principals Program University-sponsored: -(Bank Street) -Teachers College, Columbia University Summer Principals Academy -NYCLA Leadership Apprenticeship Program -New Leaders Principal-qualifying programs’ clinical-experience arrangements District Existing position Placement in a new school for less than a full school year (e.g., summer or semester) Full-year, full-time placement in a new school New York City District (Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program) District (Assistant Principals’ Institute) University (Bank Street) University (Teacher College, Columbia University summer Principals Academy) Nonprofit (NYCLA Leadership Apprenticeship Program) Nonprofit (NYCLA Aspiring Principals Program) Nonprofit (New Leaders) Additionally, New York City schools are organized into Partnership Support Organizations (PSOs), which divide 190 schools into six networks with 28 to 31 schools in each network. Networks provide supports for school leaders and are responsible for embedded professional development.¹ Source: Adapted from; ¹