ONE Card Office Radford University’s ID Card is now called the ONE Card. ID Cards must be picked-up before students leave Quest! (at checkout) Student ID card serves several purposes. Meal plans, ONE Card account, door access. Debit Account (ONE Card account), is accepted on-campus in Dining, Laundry, Vending, Computer Lab printing, etc., and at more than 35 off-campus merchants. Information regarding your student’s account may be shared only with the cardholder, The Student. Students must designate parents/guardians for “Guest Access” in the One Card system to be able to see charges. Access & information NOT covered by FERPA.
PARKING SERVICES Resident students park in Lots CC , FF, Baseball Field Parking Lot, and Lot Z. Permits are color coded – Resident permits are blue, commuter permits are yellow. See the back of the Quest folder for map. All cars parked on university property must be registered with Parking Services.
PARKING INFORMATION Students may register their vehicle and purchase a parking permit on-line beginning July 24, 2019 at, by logging in to the MyRU portal and clicking on the Parking icon. Parking permits are $148 per year. Ticketing begins in the Faculty/Staff lots on the first day of classes. Students must be parked in the appropriate lot for their designation, Resident or Commuter. Students have until 7:00am on Wednesday August 28, 2019, to have their permit displayed in their vehicles, provided they are in the correct parking lot for their designation.
POSTAL SERVICES Located in Dalton Hall. Full Service Post Office. Open Monday – Friday 8:30 - 4:30 Accepts RU Express and Cash.
Mailing Items to Your Student Standard US Mail Student’s Name P. O. Box #### Radford, VA 24142 Bulk Carrier (FedEx, UPS, etc.) RUS Box #### 801 East Main Street Radford University