Students are never just a number
Students are never just a number 1:12 Average professor-student ratio 740 to 6,400 Undergrad enrollment range at our institutions
Students are never just a number
More than 140 majors offered Search for majors, minors and concentrations — plus arts and sports — with the College Finder at
Students reflect Minnesota 68% Share of students who come from Minnesota 26% Share of new first-year students who are students of color or Native American 19% Share of students who are first-generation (neither parent completed college)
Students reflect Minnesota Median family incomes for FAFSA-filing Minnesota students are similar to those at the state’s public universities
Global reach 4,300+ Number of students studying abroad annually (That’s half of ALL Minnesota undergrads who study abroad) 1,700+ Number of international students enrolled
Students graduate on time Four-year graduate rate is 67%...the best in Minnesota and in the Midwest Graduating on time also reduces costs
Students graduate on time Four-year graduate rate is 67%...the best in Minnesota and in the Midwest Graduating on time also reduces costs
Grads are prepared for what’s next
Costs less than you think Awarded $614 million in private grants and scholarships last year
Costs less than you think Awarded $614 million in private grants and scholarships last year Video resource The Paying for College video series demystifies how families can finance a college education
Campus visit options Fall campus visits: Minnesota Private College Week (June): Schedule individual campus visits: Also ask about the National College Fair (held each fall in Minneapolis) and Minnesota Education Fairs.
Learn more online View detailed profiles on the colleges: Use the College Finder tool to search for areas of study and student activities: Use the online form to request information from the colleges: