Lambeth Programmes Update Nathan Vasey Business, Culture and Investment Manager London Borough of Lambeth
Brixton Creative Enterprise Zone
Lambeth is full of opportunity Lambeth is at the forefront of artistic excellence and business innovation in the creative and digital world. Working with employers to tackle inequality in the creative and digital industries is a key priority within ‘Creative Ways to Grow’ – Lambeth’s Creative & Digital Industries Strategy for Growth which was endorsed by Cabinet in late 2018.
But its creative economy lacks diversity 42% of Lambeth residents BAME 11% of creative jobs held by BAME employees Women, people with disabilities, and those from lower income backgrounds underrepresented and less likely to be in senior roles 92% of the creative workforce from more advantaged socio-economic groups, compared to 66% in the wider economy
Meeting the challenges. Employer practises and biases Lack of social networks Visibility and understanding of education and career pathways Ebacc – take up of arts related subjects dropping Collective fundraising Collective piloting of new approaches Scaling projects that work
Brixton Creative Enterprise Zone - Context Brixton and the wider area is renowned for its extraordinary character, rich diversity and cultural heritage. It has significant potential for creative industry growth. But it has challenges: Undersupply of workspace and losses of space Rising prices put existing artists and creative organisations at risk High levels of inequality A need to connect local people to opportunity and a changing Brixton
Brixton Creative Enterprise Zone
Strategic objectives and targets Space We will protect and grow spaces for creative production, creating a step change in the volume of workspace in the CEZ Jobs A major upwards trajectory of well-paid employment for Brixton and its local people Talent Supporting underrepresented groups to realise their dreams and creative potential 4 creative production spaces developed and launched – creating 88,000 sq. ft. of creative production space Business rates relief to support creative workspaces Brixton CEZ affordable workspace policy to secure new space 500 young people living in CEZ supported through ELEVATE 3 collaborative projects with schools in CEZ 400 jobs created in CEZ in supported organisations 50 creative businesses relocating in CEZ
Strategic objectives and targets Place Outstanding cultural placemaking initiatives, inspired by the ideas and creativity of local people, showcasing Brixton’s creative past, present and future Networks and support A world class business support ecosystem for creative enterprise Business friendly Service areas across the council will join together to support inclusive growth through Brixton’s creative economy Major events and opportunities to showcase creativity talent Brixton Night Time Economy Vision produced Brixton CEZ Consortium Board and Network (100+ members) Young Creatives Board to steer the programme and learn new skills Greater protection for pubs and music venues brought forward in the Local Plan
New building projects The Factory Studio Voltaire Three storey building for 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning. Dedicated to supporting BAME artists and young creatives. Studio Voltaire Redevelopment of Studio Voltaire to provide new gallery space, artist studios and a new home for Action Space supporting artists with learning difficulties.