Understanding the Student Success Act
Historic 2019 Legislative Session Student Success Act: Annual $1 billion investment in children’s education, starting at birth. Funding will begin in the 2020–2021 school year. Universally Offered Home Visiting: Significant first investment toward statewide implementation of a universal model of voluntary home visiting for families with newborns. Program will begin in eight early adopter communities. Child Care Task Force: Established to examine Oregon’s child care crisis and develop recommendations. Paid Family and Medical Leave: Allows workers up to 12 weeks of paid leave following a birth, adoption, or illness. Will go into effect in 2023. Earned Income Tax Credit: Raises the tax credits for families with children under the age of 3.
Student Success Act Investments
Student Investment Account Purpose Meet students’ mental and behavioral health needs. Increase academic achievement and reduce academic disparities for: students of color; students with disabilities; emerging bilingual students; students navigating poverty, homelessness, and foster care; and other students that have historically experienced disparities in our schools. Funds can be used for Class size Instructional time Well-rounded education Health and safety $500 Million
Statewide Education Initiatives Account Statewide Investments include: High School Success (M98) Expansion of nutrition programs School safety African American/Black Student Success Statewide Plan American Indian/Alaska Native Student Success Plan Latinx Student Success Statewide Plan ESD support for school districts Summer programming High Cost Disability Fund $300 Million
Early Learning Account Can be used to fund: Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Early Head Start Healthy Families Oregon Parenting Education Relief Nurseries Oregon Pre-K Preschool Promise Early Childhood Equity Fund Professional development for early childhood educators $200 Million
SSA Annual Investments in Early Childhood $44.4 Million
Next Steps for the Student Success Act Early learning hubs create regional early care and education (ECE) sector plans and identify priority populations for expansion of programming; and respond to RFPs for expansion of programs included in the Early Learning Account. School districts create improvement plans aligned with priorities for the Student Investment Account. Resources: https://www.oregon.gov/ode/StudentSuccess/Pages/StudentInvestmentAccount.aspx
Student Success Act Timeline
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