World Religions and Belief Systems
Religion vs. Belief System Religions Generally are a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and meaning of the universe and often include the belief in a supernatural being (God or gods) Belief Systems Generally are a set of mutually supportive beliefs, which are often religious, philosophical, or ideological and can be a combination of these three
Various Ancient Religious Beliefs Prior to the formation of structured religions around the world, ancient peoples often put their faith in various polytheistic, nature based (Animism), or elemental divinities (Pantheism - god is present in all things AND is the creator). Many belief systems of the past and present incorporate one or more of these outlooks in their ways of understanding the world, and in the practices of their daily lives. Probably emphasize Native American and/or African tribal religions to get them to understand what Animism and Pantheism is.
Polytheistic vs. Monotheistic Polytheistic – the belief in more than one god or deity Ancient religions of the Greeks, Romans, Nordic peoples, Egyptians, Aztecs, etc. Monotheistic – the belief in one god or supreme being Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism
Confucianism Started by Confucius (551-479 BCE) Focus on life rather than the afterlife Emphasizes worship of ancestors Teachings compiled in book known as the Analects Promotes peace, education, and harmony through relationships Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore are influenced by Confucian ethics
Confucianism Emphasized studying and practicing the values of the Five Relationships Believed those who observed them would gain influence in society Traditional Chinese education based on the learning of Confucian values Government posts earned through cycle of studies of it Reinforced family as the center of Chinese society
Religions of India About the time of the emergence of the Chinese belief systems, new religions solidified themselves in the regions of India: Hinduism Buddhism Both were heavily influenced by the Vedas and ancient Indian beliefs of reincarnation
Hinduism Began in India c.1500 BCE God reveals self in many different forms (known as Brahman) Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Krishna Sacred Texts Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads
Basic Beliefs of Hinduism Souls are reincarnated after death Ultimate goal is to escape the cycle of rebirth and become one with Brahman (known as Moksha) Major Ideas: Dharma (duty) Karma (action) Samsara (cycle of life) Moksha (liberation) Kali, goddess of death and destruction Shiva, the destroyer
Impact of Hinduism Ultimately becomes religion of India Leads to development and solidification of the Caste System “Untouchables” considered the lowest in society based on their rebirth into that class Think Karma and how their previous life would be perceived Ganesha, the god of beginnings
Social Impact of Hinduism
Buddhism Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE) Commonly known as the Buddha Life is a spiritual quest to escape the suffering of human existence Use methods such as meditation, fasting, and vows of silence
Basic Beliefs of Buddhism Four Noble Truths: Life is suffering Desire causes suffering End suffering by ending desire To end desire follow the Eightfold Path Right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration Basic Beliefs of Buddhism Buddhist Wheel of Life; the eight spokes represent the Eightfold Path
Impact of Buddhism Spreads throughout central and SE Asia Appeals to many lower social classes because did not recognize social distinctions (Castes)
I thought we can give this diagram in notes – either in full or have them fill out
Monotheistic Faiths Several ancient belief systems were Monotheistic (i.e. the Aten Cult in Egypt; Zoroastrianism of Persia) The three most followed and impactful today are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam The first image is the pharaoh Akhenaten worshipping the Sun Disk or Aten. The Second is of the fire that represents purity in Zoroastrianism. I thought mentioning these two was a nice way to show the students that other religions, that also developed in the middle East, influenced the development of the Abrahamic religions of today.
Abrahamic Religions The three “great” monotheistic religions of today all share common origins All share the same founding figure of Abraham, or pay reverence to him All share basic core tenets (beliefs), including central figures, prophets, writings, etc. All worship the same God
Judaism Dates back at least to 1000 B.C.E in the region of Egypt The founding figure is Abraham who is believed to have made a covenant (pact) with God God made Abraham’s tribe a chosen people who could receive salvation by following God’s core principles of love and faith God promised Abraham, his tribe, and their descendants a homeland
Judaism Tanakh is the Jewish Bible; the first 5 books is called the Torah (teachings) Given by God to Abraham and Moses (10 Commandments) Both Christian and Islamic beliefs are rooted in Judaism I put in the Abraham and Moses thing to allow for a later comparison to Muhammad?
Christianity Dates back to approximately the years 0-33 C.E. Jesus of Nazareth is considered the founding figure Christianity is based around the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth The Christian Bible is comprised of the Old (Jewish Bible) and New Testaments (Gospels, etc.)
Christianity Central to the Christian religion is that Jesus is mankind's savior and the son of God Faith in Jesus and God (usually considered the same) will lead to salvation (eternal spiritual life in heaven) Salvation is available to all who believe
Islam Dates to 610 C.E. on the Arabian peninsula Muhammad is the founding figure of the Islamic faith Muslims (adherents) believe that the final instructions for mankind were revealed to Muhammad
Islam Muslims accept that Muhammad is the final prophet of god and that the Qur'an (Islamic holy book) contains the word of God (instructions for mankind) Islam incorporates many Judaic and Christian beliefs and values, including God’s (Allah) love and compassion, and salvation for believers
Probably provide this in the notes?
Spread of Belief Systems All belief systems and religions spread for many interconnected reasons, but three main themes include: Trade Buddhism into China along the Silk Road Islam into West Africa along Saharan caravan routes War and Conquest Expansion of Islamic empire Charlemagne's empire across Europe Spanish Conquistadors conquest of the Americas
Spread of Belief Systems Conversion of Elites (Political, Military, and Commercial leaders) Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism Gupta empires acceptance of Hinduism Constantine’s conversion to Christianity Elite: Noun. 1: upper-class social group with great power and wealth. 2: extremely talented or capable
Spread of Belief Systems
Major Religions Today by Region