Welcome to Back to School Night 2019 Alice West Fleet Elementary School
Greeting from Fleet's Administrators A video will be inserted on this page
Daily Schedule Daily Schedule (generic) - what does this look like?
Home-School Communication (703) 228-5820 How will you communicate with families? Class newsletter? School communication--digital Take-Home Items Thursday Packets (online?) Student agendas (teacher-based) Class newsletters (online?) Library books iPads (only when special projects)?
Celebrating birthdays September October November December January February March April May June Reading Launching Readers Workshop Building Good Reading Habits Learning About the World (non-fiction) Fluency, Phonics, and Comprehension Story Elements (characters, problem, solution, plot, setting, etc.) Research Writing Launching the Writer’s Workshop Small Moments - Personal Narratives to tell and share Non-Fiction: How To’s and teaching others Writing Letters Opinion Writing: Persuading others and writing reviews Small Moment Class Book From Scenes to Series: Writing realistic fiction and chapter books Research in the Library Math Unit 1: Building Math Community/ Counting and Numbers: Part 1 (Numbers to 30) Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction: Part 1 Unit 3: Counting and Numbers: Part 2 (Numbers to 75) Unit 4: Addition and Subtraction: Part 2 Unit 5: Counting and Numbers: Part 3 (Numbers to 110) Unit 6: Money Unit 7: Geometry Unit 8: Fractions Unit 9: Time and Calendar Unit 10: Data Unit 11: Measurement Social Studies Unit 1 Citizenship Unit 2 Virginia Then and Now Unit 3 Holidays and Traditions Unit 4 Famous Americans Unit 5 Geography Unit 6 Famous Virginians Unit 7 Economics and Celebrations Science Cycles: Season- Fall What is a Scientist? Earth and Space Winter Resources; (3 Rs, parks, land use, animal life) Matter Spring Animal Life Processes; Plant Life Processes Force & Motion Summer Health Safety Body Parts and Systems Me and My Feelings Family Relationships and Change My Senses Help me Grow Nutrition; Dental & Physical Hygiene; Exercise Wonderful Food Health Professionals About Medicines and Drugs Basic Information/Brief overview: Curriculum - (focus for this grade level or “Year at a Glance”) Reading Writing Word Work Math Social Studies Science Specials Recess Behavior Mgmt Cafeteria/Lunch Celebrating birthdays
Stay tuned for more dates in the future. ParentVue For the 2019-20 school year, Arlington Public Schools (APS) will implement a new annual online verification process for updating and maintaining accurate student information. In ParentVue, you will be able to update contact information & find the latest information about your child’s attendance and scheduling, as well as standards-based progress reports. Once you have activated your ParentVue account, you can sign in using your username and password at https://vue.apsva.us Laptops will be set up and personnel will be available to assist you with setting up ParentVue accounts Thursday, August 29 from 6:00-8:00 pm in the Cafeteria, or Friday, August 30, from 9:00-11:00 am in the cafeteria. Stay tuned for more dates in the future.
Standards-Based Progress Reports Meets Standard: The student consistently demonstrates mastery of the standard. Approaching Standard: The student is in the process of mastering the standard. Developing Standard: The student demonstrates initial understanding of the standard with support. Insufficient Evidence: The teacher does not have evidence to determine as student’s mastery level for this skill.
Parent Involvement/ Opportunities to volunteer Join the PTA / Be a Room Parent (The PTA table is set up in lobby downstairs) Keep in touch with your child’s teacher Attend Parent-Teacher conferences Mystery Readers
Thank you for coming!