शासकीय प्रणाली M l;4fGt, ;Gbe{ / ;+:yfx?


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Presentation transcript:

शासकीय प्रणाली M l;4fGt, ;Gbe{ / ;+:yfx?

;fj{hlgs zf;gsf] परिबर्तित संदर्भ ljZn]if0f ug]{ l;sfO{ p2]Zox? ;fj{hlgs zf;gsf] परिबर्तित संदर्भ ljZn]if0f ug]{ stf{ (actors) x?sf] e"ldsf ljZn]if0f ug]{ zf;sLo प्रणालीsf d'2f / r'gf}tLx? klxrfg / ljZn]if0f ug]{ NASC, 2019

5nkmnsf ljifox? zf;sLo प्रणालीsf l;4fGtx? /fhgLlts / ;fdflhs ;Gbe{ zf;sLo प्रणाली सम्बन्धित ;+:yfx? ;+3Lo zf;g k|0ffnLsf d'2f / r'gf}tLx? NASC, 2019

zf;sLo प्रणालीsf] kl/efiff /fHo /fhgLlts bn tyf jftfj/0f zf;sLo प्रणाली lgi7f g]t[Tj Ifdtf /0fgLlts ;f]r ;/sf/ sd{rf/LtGq / ;+:sf/ cGt/fli6«o ;Gbe{ ;fdflhs d"No dfGotf / ;+:sf/ Gfful/s NASC, 2019

kl/efiff ;femf d'Nodf cfwfl/t nf]stflGqs k"jf{wf/ dfkm{t ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] k|jfx u/L /fHo / gful/s aLrsf] ;GaGw alnof] agfpFg /fHo jf lgIf]lkt ;+:yfaf6 clwsf/sf] k|of]u ug]{ k|0ffnL xf] . NASC, 2019

Principles of governance Participation, Representation, Fair conduct of election Responsiveness Efficiency and Effectiveness Openness and transparency Rule of law Ethical conduct NASC, 2018

Principles of …(contd.) Competence and capacity Innovation and openness to change Sustainability and long term orientation Sound financial management Human rights, cultural diversity and social cohesion Accountability NASC, 2018

NASC, 2018

वर्तमान सार्बजनिक शासन: जनताको दृष्टिमा सेवाग्राही के भन्छन ??? NASC, 2019

Public service delivery NASC, 2019

Integrity in Public service NASC, 2019

Direction of Governance NASC, 2019

Expect improvements over the next five years NASC, 2019

Public Governance Public Service Delivery reflects Public Governance, judged by people. What do people say? Nepal National Governance Survey 2017/18 Sample size: 12920 Province: Seven Districts: 43 Local governments: 163 (88 urban, 75 rural) Polling booth: 646 NASC, 2019

Principles of governance Participation, Representation, Fair conduct of election Responsiveness Efficiency and effectiveness Openness and transparency Rule of law zf;g NASC, 2018

Principles of …(contd.) Ethical conduct Competence and capacity Innovation and openness to change Sustainability and long term orientation Sound financial management Human rights, cultural diversity and social cohesion Accountability NASC, 2018

Value and Values- Moment of Truth NASC, 2019

nf]stflGqs zf;g k|0ffnLsf kfqx? zf;sLo l;4fGtdf kl/jt{g– ;/sf/ eGbf k/ zf;sLo k|0ffnL /fHo cGt/fli6«o kfqx? Gful/s ;dfh ahf/ NASC, 2019

nf]stflGqs zf;g k|0ffnLsf kfqx? cg's'n /fhgLlts, sfg'gL tyf cfly{s jftfj/0f lgdf{0f zf;sLo l;4fGtdf kl/jt{g– ;/sf/ eGbf k/ zf;sLo k|0ffnL cGt/fli6«o jftfj/0f, ;xof]u /fHo cGt/fli6«o kfqx? Gful/s ;dfh ahf/ ;xeflutf, gful/s r]tgf, /rgfTds ;'emfj cj;/ lgdf{0f NASC, 2019

gful/ssf] ck]Iff / ;fj{hlgs ;]jf aLr vf8n 5 zf;g k|0ffnLsf kfqx? t/ zf;g k|0ffnLsf kfqx?sf] cGtlg{lxt ljz]iftfn] nf]stflGqs d"No :jLsf/ ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g gful/ssf] ck]Iff / ;fj{hlgs ;]jf aLr vf8n 5 ljrf}lnof (intermediary) sf] pkl:ylt Explain how citizenry expectation as demand is being multiplied. Over promising of state is one reason. NASC, 2019

kfqx? /fHo gful/s NASC, 2019

kfqx?=== /fHo ljrf}lnof gful/s NASC, 2019

g]kfndf zf;sLo ;+:yfx? /fhgLlts bn ahf/ / cGo u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yfx? cGt/fli6«o ;+:yfx? sfo{sf/L, sd{rf/L tyf cGo ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfx? zf;sLo Joj:yf NASC, 2019

kl/jlt{t zf;sLo :j?k /fhgLlts bn oL ;+:yfx? sFxf sFxf 5g\< /fhgLlts bn ahf/ / cGo u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yfx? cGt/fli6«o ;+:yfx? sfo{sf/L, sd{rf/L tyf cGo ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfx? logLx?sf] :jfy{ ldN5 ls ldNb}g< zf;sLo Joj:yf logLx?n] ;fj{hlgs ;xeflutf ;'lglZrt u5{g< oL ;+:yfx? s;/L cGtlqmof u5{g\ < NASC, 2019

‘Building democratic institutions’ – G. Shabbir Cheema NASC, 2018

k|ltj4tfsf] sfof{Gjog– ;+3Lo ;+/rgfsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjog d'2f / r'gf}tLx? -cj;/x?_ k|ltj4tfsf] sfof{Gjog– ;+3Lo ;+/rgfsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjog kl/j{tgnfO{ ;+:yfut ug]{ kl/0ffd'vL hjfkmb]xLtf –Gofo, cy{ / sfo{;Dkfbg ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] ljZjf;gLotf NASC, 2018 NASC, 2019

cfufdL af6f] lgi7fsf] lgdf{0f ;DaGw Joj:yfkg >f]tsf] Joj:yfkg glthf ;'lglZrtf NASC, 2019

छलफलका लागि प्रश्नहरु नेपालको सार्वजनिक शासन प्रणालीका जल्दाबल्दा मुद्दाहरु के के हुन् ? सार्वजनिक शासनका प्रमुख कर्ताहरु को को हुन् ? नेपालको सामाजिक र राजनीतिक सन्दर्भलाई कसरि प्रस्तुत गर्नु हुन्छ ? सार्वजनिक शासनमा सुधार ल्याउनका लागि कहाँ कहाँ सकारात्मक कुरा देख्नु हुन्छ ? NASC, 2019

थप कुनै जिज्ञाशा? Q & A Session NASC, 2019

wGojfb ! NASC, 2019