Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School ‘We are learning to grow and love like Jesus’ Year 2 Curriculum Evening
Tonight we want you to Have an insight into the Year 2 curriculum Have a better understanding of the age related expectations for the end of Year 2 To recognise how you can best support your child in partnership with Our Lady of Grace Infants
General Information Uniform Attendance Punctuality Soft Start Collection of children PE – Friday Home Learning Communication
End of Year Expectations National Curriculum 2014 High standards Essential Knowledge Depth of knowledge
English Linked to topic Children ‘build’ their understanding of a genre throughout the week Grammar Punctuation Spelling – Red Words
Spelling Year 2 Children should be able to spell the high frequency words and common exception words. Red word spelling is essential.
Reading Oxford Reading Tree/ Book bag Book RWI (child to read) Read Write Inc (child to read) Library (read to child) -develop a pleasure for reading Reading Journal
Maths Number Measurement Position Shape Addition and Subtraction
Cornerstone Curriculum
End of Year Expectations Working Towards Expected Exceeding
How to support and help your child RE Talking about the Gospel – Wednesday Word Reading Take time to listen to your child read Encourage your child to sound out words (Fred it) and to read words they already know to develop their fluency Ask questions about the book Writing Encourage your child to say their sentence out loud Use their phonics to write Simple sentences capital letters, finger spaces and full stops Spell high frequency words Speaking and Listening Ask questions Develop language Topic Home learning projects Practical activities
Learning Behaviours
SMART S = Sensible M= Manners A= Acceptance R= Respect T= Tolerance
Houses Winston Churchill Emmeline Pankhurst Nelson Mandela Mary Seacole The children have been allocated houses. Each child will belong to a house. They will be given points for their attitude to work and how they treat each other.
Examples of SATS This will include a short arithmetic test of 15 questions, and a second paper of broader mathematics which will last around 35 minutes. Arithmetic questions examples: 89 + 10 = …. + 5 = 9 87 − 40 = 8 x 10 = 2 x 0 = 35 ÷ 5 = ¼ of 20 =
End of Year Tests - Maths Reasoning questions examples: Reasoning
Reasoning questions examples:
Find out more School Noticeboard School website and App Knowledge organisers Parent Pamphlet
Trips – Really important and enhance the curriculum, however we need volunteers to help us otherwise trips cannot go ahead and also if we do not receive the money to cover the trips they will be cancelled. All payments must be made onlne Important that all parents are able to access online as all reports and other resources such as mymaths is online.
Summary Have an understanding of the Year 2 curriculum Have an understanding of the year 2 expectations Have an understanding of how to support your child.