Tea Time with TA-DVS This Weeks Episode: Address Coding and Narrations Coming to you live: First and third Monday of every month 9:00 – 10:00 am Pacific Daylight Time Join Skype Meeting This Weeks Episode: Address Coding and Narrations For training purposes, this call will be recorded.
Tea Time Etiquette Etiquette (noun): The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. Assume best intent No Case Specifics or Personally Identifying Information (PII) If PII is shared – Tea Time Hosts will ring a bell to politely interrupt and remind of this etiquette For training purposes, this call will be recorded.
Address Coding and Narrations Address Coding Alignment for All Programs “TEMP” for Temporary, not fixed address “DND” for Do Not Disclose “ACP” for individuals who are participants in the ACP Program Hard File or Narration? **Determine with the survivor, if it is safe to narrate in DHS systems.** Refer to Family Services Manual: TA-DVS, C. TA-DVS Eligibility and Waiving Requirements, 10. Confidentiality and Narration If it is not safe to narrate, create a hard file to be stored locally. Location of file is to be indicated on TRACS (or sticky note). Include a narrative stating “E2 Intake in office. See hard file for narrative.”
Upcoming Episodes: Not your cup of tea? 01/21/19 Cancelled- Holiday 02/04/2019 Address and Coding - ACP, DND, and TEMP and Conf. Narratives/Deletion Process 02/18/2019 03/04/2019 Payments - Timely Payments 03/18/2019 Safety Planning and Late in the Day
See you at the next episode! Hopefully it’ll be your cup of tea!