Senior Parent Night Class of 2020 Welcome Senior Parent Night Class of 2020
Agenda *Handouts provided Welcome and Graduation Date Update Dr. Seagraves Graduation* Mrs. Rich Yearbook Mrs. Ingold ACT/SAT/AP Exam Dates Miss Jordan Scholarships/Say Yes Mrs. Albright Residency Determination Service* Mrs. Albright Recommendation and Transcript Mrs. Colson Requests Scriborder* Mrs. Colson Handouts Provided Mrs. Carson Questions/Closing *Handouts provided
Counseling Department miss jordan Counselors: A-E: Ms. Jordan F-K: Mrs. Colson L-R: Mrs. Albright S-Z: Mrs. Carson Counseling Secretary: Ms. Shore
Registration Deadline ACT Dates Miss Jordan Fees: ACT (No Writing) -- $50.50, ACT (With Writing) -- $67.00 ACT Test Date Registration Deadline ACT Scores Available July 13, 2019 June 14th July 23rd September 14, 2019 Aug. 16th Sept. 24th October 26, 2019 Sept. 20th Nov. 5th December 14, 2019 Nov. 8th Dec. 23rd February 8th, 2020 Jan. 10th Feb. 18th April 4th, 2020 Feb. 28th Apr. 14th June 13, 2020 May 8th June 23rd
Registration Deadline SAT Dates Miss Jordan Fees: SAT -- $49.50, SAT with Essay -- $64.50 SAT Test Date Registration Deadline SAT Scores Available August 24, 2019 July 26th Sept. 6th October 5, 2019 Oct. 18th November 2, 2019 Oct. 3rd Nov. 15th December 7, 2019 Nov. 8th Dec. 20th March 14th, 2020 Feb. 14th Mar. 27th May 2nd, 2020 Apr. 3rd May 15th June 6, 2020 May 8th July 15th
Important Dates Miss Jordan Tuesday, October 1st – College Night 5:00-8:00 p.m. at Greensboro Coliseum Friday, October 4th - Applications for Service Learning Award and Diploma DUE Monday, Oct. 14th & Thursday Oct. 17th Senior Cap and Gown Orders from 4-6:30 in the Media Center Wednesday, October 16th – Senior College/Day of Service Friday, October 18th and Saturday October 19th - SENIOR PICTURE Make-up day Sign up has begun (see Ms. Ingold) Monday, October 21st -Friday, October 25th – NC Countdown to College Saturday, October 26th - FAFSA Day Saturday, April 25th – Prom! Friday, May 22nd - Senior Awards Program
Service Learning and SEGHS Social media updates – Ms. Albright Senior Application due: Friday, October 4th Approval Forms due: Wednesday, March 18th SL Hours on x2vol: Wednesday, April 22nd (After Spring Break) Log in hours in your x2vol account. Continue to keep your log on paper. SE contacts for SL – Mrs. Albright, Mrs. Tasich-Downey, Ms. Shore, and Ms. Davis Twitter and GCS App Information Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @SEHSFalcons, Facebook and YouTube @SoutheastGuilfordHighSchool
Scholarships/Say Yes mrs. albright Students should listen to announcements for scholarship information (several scholarships already announced) Scholarship Bulletin Available on school website Check with college/university/employers/churches Search at,, & other free sites for scholarship information and financial workshops Complete FAFSA for federal aid Based on parent’s and student’s 2018 tax info. Apply online at beginning October 1st Turn in ALL offers of scholarship money even if you don’t accept it
“The Morehead-Cain is a call to live your journey, the best and most authentically that you can—your journey, and no one else’s.”
Scholarships/Say Yes mrs. albright 2017-2018 Students at SEHS benefited by $317,020
Scholarships/Say Yes mrs. albright
Residency determination service mrs. Albright
Residential determination Mrs. albright
Requesting recommendations mrs. colson Please allow a turnaround time of at least TWO WEEKS when asking counselors for recommendations for colleges and/or scholarships. Consider coaches and teachers for recommendations, also. Please provide Student Background Information form to every counselor whom you request a letter of recommendation (forms will be available on school website and with Ms. Shore in the Counseling Office)
Requesting Transcripts Mrs. colson = Requests for in-state colleges & community colleges Create CFNC account, Go to Transcript Manager After selecting the school and sending, you can see status CommonApp Send your counselor the evite ScribOrder All other requests can be made electronically through ScribOrder If you request paper copies of your transcript, they can be picked up in the front office 2-3 days after the request is made.
Scriborder ms. Colson ------> On main page at the bottom
Scriborder ms. Colson
Fee Waivers – MRs. Carson SAT ACT College Applications The College Board’s SAT fee waiver Students eligible for the College Board’s SAT testing fee waiver will automatically be eligible for four college application fee waivers. Students are eligible for SAT testing fee waivers if they are enrolled in the National School Lunch Program, have a family income that falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines, are enrolled in a government program for low-income students, are a member of family that receives public assistance, are living in federally subsidized public housing or living in a foster home, or are homeless, a ward of the state, or an orphan. The ACT If you are eligible for the ACT test fee waiver, you may also be eligible for the Request for Waiver or Deferral of College Admission Application Fee. The requirements for the ACT test fee waiver are very similar to the SAT test fee waiver. National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) fee waiver The NACAC allows students to apply to up to four colleges without having to pay the application fee. A student will be eligible for a NACAC college application fee waiver if they meet the requirements for an SAT or ACT testing fee waiver. While most colleges and universities will accept a NACAC college application fee waiver, not all of them will.
Attendance Policy Mrs. Carson Students who have excessive absences (4 or more) from a block class during a 90 day period will be placed on INCOMPLETE STATUS (INC) until make-up time is completed. Each excessive absence (unlawful and lawful) is made up by: Block Schools – 1 absence = 45 minutes make-up time
Handouts provided Mrs. Carson College Night FASFA Day Residency Determination Service Overview Scriborder Instructions Senior Checklist Fee Waiver Information and Guidelines Everything will also be made available on the school website
There will be days like this all over the county after October 1st.