Northwoods New Vision: “We are a family, a friendly church dedicated to glorifying God by loving Jesus and making disciples who make disciples”
“A Major Challenge: Whose Voice Will We Choose to Hear” FOCUS SHIFT “A Major Challenge: Whose Voice Will We Choose to Hear” Mark 1:15 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
“When people talk consider the Source”
Screaming for Our Attention Important Choice: Multiple Voices are Screaming for Our Attention Whose Voice am I more willing to listen to?
Wesley considered Scripture Value of Scripture Wesley considered Scripture the primary source to listen to for all Christian Beliefs and Doctrine
Wesley then considered Value of Scripture Wesley then considered Tradition, the experience of faith development since the early church, as worthy of our consideration
Wesley affirmed Reason next, Value of Scripture Wesley affirmed Reason next, where the individual brings to bear on their Christian faith rationale discernment and thought
“The Way to the Kingdom” However in his sermon, “The Way to the Kingdom” Wesley warned that the religion of Jesus does not consist of orthodoxy, believing correctly with the mind
“The Way to the Kingdom” In his sermon, “The Way to the Kingdom” Wesley warned that Christianity is first and foremost a religion “of the heart!”
more important than reason. Value of Scripture Wesley therefore considered Experience, the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a believer, more important than reason.
What is the Bible’s Message? A Great Question: What is the Bible’s Message?
What is the Bible’s Message? “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” Mark 1: 15
What is the Bible’s Message? “For Wesley the overriding concern in interpreting the Bible is how a person can be saved from sin and for salvation!” Wesley’s Sermon, “ The Way to the Kingdom”
What is value of Scripture today? “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for [a] instruction in righteousness, that child of God may be equipped…” 2 Timothy 3: 16 - 17
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” Greek Term: theopneust What is value of Scripture today? “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” Greek Term: theopneust “God-Breathed” Scripture was breathed out by God—HE is it’s Source!
I follow it in all things, “My ground is the Bible. Yea, I am a Bible-bigot. I follow it in all things, both great and small.” Wesley’s Journal, 5 June, 1766
Whose Voice Will We Choose to Hear?