Math Textbook Adoption: Pre-Algebra The 7-12 Math Adoption Committee evaluated several textbooks and selected Mathematics Course 2: Pre-Algebra, Holt which was subsequently approved by Curriculum Council on 3/13/08. The presentation highlights the process that was followed and the reasons for making this adoption.
Pre-Algebra Textbook Adoption Process
Textbook Adoption Committee Math teachers from each Middle and High School site were selected by their departments. Sites were limited to two voting members.
ToolKit Training November ‘07 – Textbook Adoption Committee had attended Math Tool Kit training at the SJCOE. The purpose was to establish the process in how our future textbooks would be adopted.
January ’08 Publishers’ Faire at SJCOE Many members of our committee attended presentations by publishers, and in many cases were able to ask questions for further clarification of the product and its components. Algebra Readiness sub-committee developed rubric and protocol for evaluation of textbooks.
February ’08 Textbook Adoption Committee Meeting Focused on protocol for teacher evaluation of textbooks. Made a decision to proceed with an adoption of a Pre-Algebra Textbook for 2008-2009. Final choices TBD on February 25, 2008.
Site Evaluation of Textbooks Various publishers’ textbooks were sent to the Middle and High School Sites for evaluation. Teachers use adopted rubric to score each textbook.
February 25, 2008 Textbook Selection Each voting member from our textbook adoption committee scored each of the text books. Based on the compiled averages, recommendations were made for the adoption of new materials. Each site had no more than two voting representatives. Votes were based on how each site’s department evaluated each textbook.
Average Scores by Publisher Holt Prentice Hall McDougal Littell (course 2) McDougal Littell (pre-algebra) 24 32 27 26 25 29 18 22 20 33 27.125 25.5 26.4
Selection: Holt Pre-Algebra Teacher’s edition includes substandards and references pages for lessons. TE begins with individual warm ups and provides questioning strategies. Student edition focuses on one specific standard at a time. SE pages are reader-friendly (well-organized, states standards, relevance, vocabulary is highlighted, helpful hints) Examples are detailed and color-coded Each chapter has a cumulative review Glossary includes visual examples