Who knows what a “saint” means? A saint is a person who loved God so much that they died for Him. Long time ago people would worship statues and not God (Jesus). People who did not worship the statues as they were told where killed. Because they love God so so so much they decided not to worship the statues but instead die and those are the ones who are called SAINTS. Can you name me a saint that you know? Here are a few saints such as St. Abanoub who died when he was only 12 years old. There is St. Marina, St. Demina, St. Mark, St. Mina Today we are going to talk about one of them. And his name is : Saint Marcorious
Saint Marcorious This is Saint Marcorious. To know which icon in the church is Saint Marcorious He will always have 2 swords in his hand and riding a black (or white) horse. We learn today why he has two swords and why he is riding that horse.
Where was Marcorious born? Romania Ottawa, Canada Egypt Marcorious was not born in Canada or Egypt like us. He was born in Romania. (Show the kids where on the we are located, then Egypt and finally Romania)
Marcorious parents Noah Ship Marcorious’ parents where named Noah and ship This Noah is not the same as Noah and the ark Ship or they call her Saffena (arabic) As you can see where very nice parents They would help the poor who needed money clothes food They would also celebrate the angels feast especially angel Michael
Marcorious became a soldier in the army Marcorious was a very nice boy. He was good, kind and polite to his parents and all the people around him. He obeys his parents at all times. He learned the Bible very well cause he would read it before he sleeps and when he wakes up every morning He believed in God. He loved God so much Marcorious became a soldier in the army when he was only 17 years old He was courageous and strong. Not afraid of anything. Because of that he was the leader of the army (As you can see in the picture long time ago that is what they used to wear when they became a soldier) 17 years old
Emperor Desius The emperor (like a king) asked the army to go and fight and saint Marcarious was one of the soldiers in that army.
Angel appears to Marcorious During the war the angel of the Lord appeared to St. Marcorious dressed in white cloth and full of light The angel had also a sword just like the one Marcorious had The angel gave the sword of light in his hand and told him that this will help him win the war he is fighting St. Marcorious took the sword from the ange. He had now how many swords 2 sowrds. The one he was carrying to go to war and the sword the angel gave him This sowrd gave him a lot of STRENGTH and POWER and he was able to win the war against the bad people
Emperor Desius gives medals to Marcorious -The Emperor was so happy because he won the war he gave Marcorious medals and made him him even a higher leader.
St. Marcorious died. Why do you think he died? Because of old age? No Because the emperor wanted him to worship statues and money So he killed the Marcorious and he because a saint because he died for our Lord Jesus Christ Do you know why we see him killing someone in the picture? And who is that other person in the background? Well after St. Macarious died ..there where other kings and emperors after Emperor Desius St. Basil asked help from God So God sent St. Macarious on a horse and holding the 2 swords we talked about And he killed the bad emperor.
What could we learn from St. Macarious? God protects us God loves us God protects us: Just like God protected St. Marcarious he is protecting us as well. God sent his angel to St. Macarious same he sends his angels to guard us when we are sleeping and we are in the car at school and everywhere. -God loves us He didn’t leave St. Macarious to fight the war by himself. He helped him and that’s because he loves him. When you pray to God he is always listening to what you are saying and even your not He is still looking after you because He loves you -We love God We love God
Open you bible to… New Testament Revelations Chapter 3 Verse 5
“ He who overcomes shall be clothed with white garments” Memory Verse “ He who overcomes shall be clothed with white garments” What do you think that means? If you a nice to other people such as your friends, teacher. If you are polite. If you obey and respect mom and dad, older sister or brother You will be just like the angels of God who are dressed in white clothes. Revelation 3:5