IEP data
Sacramento San Joaquin Chlorophyll, mg m-3 Station
Pseudodiaptomus forbesi Egg Development Times (for estimating field growth rates) Eurytemora affinis (MH Nicolini) Pseudodiaptomus forbesi (Lindsay Sullivan)
Alison’s mean for LSZ bottle was about 2.1
Pseudo reproductive rate
P. forbesi molt rates Date Source Nauplii Cope 1-3 Cope 4-5 9/7/2010 LSZ 3 4 9/25/2010 FW 12 7 5 10/7/2010 9 2 8/23/2011
What caused the population of Pseudodiaptomus forbesi to decline in the low salinity zone?
Fluid Imaging Technologies, 2010 Photo: T. Ignoffo Photo: T. Ignoffo
Diatoms >15µm Cells/mL
P. forbesi Clearance Rates Higher rates for larger cells mL cleared/copepod/day Diatoms Flagellates Diatoms Flagellates >15µm 7-15µm
L. tetraspina Clearance Rates “Negative” rates for small cells mL cleared/copepod/day Diatoms Flagellates Diatoms Flagellates >15µm 7-15µm
Shape of the LSZ (S = 0.5 – 5)