What do all of these famous people have in common What do all of these famous people have in common? They have all experienced mental health problems
Everyone has physical health and mental health What is Good Health? “A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” The World Health Organisation Having good health includes good mental health – Just as with a broken leg, we need to seek help when we feel mentally unwell
FACTS Mental health problems can happen to anyone 1 in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem in the course of a year The most common mental health problems experienced by young people are stress, anxiety and depression The majority of young people with mental health problems worry about telling their friends Recovery is possible and getting early help is key
Adolescent Development It can be difficult to distinguish the symptoms of mental health problems from adolescent behaviour. Teenagers feel: Moody Worried Stressed Anxious Awkward Upset Teenagers will: Experiment Take risks Rebel Adolescent brain is not fully developed until mid 20’s
Everyone has physical health and mental health What is Mental Health? “A state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community.” The World Health Organisation (WHO, 2001,p1) Having good mental health includes being stressed, its normal
Self Harm/eating disorders Types of Mental Health Problems Suicide/Psychosis Anxiety Self Harm/eating disorders Depression Panic Attacks Types of mental health problems – This is when you are unable to cope with normal day to day activities and when you feel your mental health problems are impacting on your enjoyment of life and your ability to function properly
The most important thing to remember is... ...Time to Change is all about talking It helps people to know they are not alone and it’s the first step to getting help We want to end stigma and discrimination around mental health problems and the best way of doing that is talking about it, and challenging stigma when you see it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOkH2jGK4p0
www.time-to-change.org.uk/parents Please see Time to Change’s parents website for more information, including interviews with parents and ten top tips for talking to your child about mental health. It’s time to talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11&v=UcwIKZFW2LM
Student Wellbeing Support Whole School Approach Student Wellbeing Support Safeguarding School Ethos Emotional Health and Wellbeing Enrichment Teaching and Learning Student Voice Whole School Approach at Grey Court School – In year 9 Mindfulness and Yoga. Parents Staff Wellbeing
Mindfulness and Yoga Year 9 students follow a 6 week programme of Mindfulness and Yoga as a way of teaching them how to enhance their emotional health and wellbeing. Mindfulness teaches students how to focus their attention and be aware of what is happening around them. It also teaches them strategies for how to cope in stressful situations. Mindfulness can help to improve concentration so that students can learn more effectively, perform better and feel calmer. Yoga complements mindfulness as it helps student to focus their attention, practice correct breathing techniques and helps to improve fitness.
Free Apps ReachOut WorryTime Self-help for Anxiety Management MindShift CBT Thought Diary Catch It – Make sense of moods Headspace: Guided Meditation Stop, Breathe & Think Calm Harm
HOW TO GROUND YOURSELF · Bring your attention down to your feet on the ground · Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth · Slowly look around you and find….. · 5 things you can see · 4 things you can touch · 3 things you can hear · 2 things you can smell (or 2 smells you like) · 1 emotion you feel This is called GROUNDING – it can help when you are overthinking and feel anxious. This will calm you and connect you to your senses and surroundings Page 12 of planner to help with stress and anxiety
www.youngminds.org.uk www.healthmatters.clch.nhs.uk On-line counselling Contacts for support and page 11 of planner and page 12
Thank you Thank you www.time-to-change.org.uk info@time-to-change.org.uk Thank you www.time-to-change.org.uk/parents info@time-to-change.org.uk You can visit the parents’ section of Time to Change’s website for more information, including interviews with parents and top tips for talking to your child(ren) about mental health. It’s time to talk. 14