Detector Building C 2020 SD Regional Ang Shih, PhD MBA
Detector Building Introduction This event is new and concentrate on electronics sensor Learning Concept– Learn from linear and non linear calibration for detectors
Detector Building Build a temperature sensing Device to accurately measure and display the temperatures of four different water samples between 0˚C and 75˚C. Also take a written test . Device, two calculators of any type, one 2” three-ring binder, and Design Log. Team of up to two No Impound NO
Rule Highlight Teams build a temperature-sensing Device Measure water temperature (15x4) *(TempA-TempB)*2 for regional Display the measured temperature and voltage on a digital display Display the “temperature zone” (5x4) Written test (30) Design Log (28) Total of 4 Measurement Station 20 min set up time (not a lot for modify code)
General Idea V+ Voltage Regulator Arduino Output 6 LED - R 330 Ohm NTC Output 7 LED - G 330 Ohm Analog In Output 8 LED - B 330 Ohm ? Ohm
Basic Thermistor
Thermistor is NOT a linear detector For Linear Calibration (10000-973)/(100-25) =120.36 Ohm per degree T= X/120.36+25 >>>Not Good
Steinhart-Hart model coefficients
This code help you to jump start. LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Vo = analogRead(ThermistorPin); R2 = R1 * (1023.0 / (float)Vo - 1.0); logR2 = log(R2); T = (1.0 / (c1 + c2*logR2 + c3*logR2*logR2*logR2)); T = T - 273.15; T = (T * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; lcd.print("Temp = "); lcd.print(T); lcd.print(" F"); delay(500); lcd.clear(); This code help you to jump start. However, it is not going to make you win at the top. Also this is output at F. You need to output as C Include <math.h> please
Competition – Temperature Zones The Device must also be able to indicate the specific temperature zone using red, green and blue LEDs. At State and/or Nationals multiple (2-3) color LEDs may be required to be activated at the same time. The exact temperature range of each zone will be not be revealed until teams enter to compete, and may be different for teams.
Component State Suggest you use Arduino, Raspberry Pi, TI Launchpad or Teensy. Display: 16x2 LCD is the most common, Series version are easy to like and use. Advance Team should look into, Arduino for its library support. Combined with ADS1115 16bit ADC or TM7705 [Current Not Allow!!] Advance Team should look at 128x32 OLED display SSD1306
Thermal Epoxy
Written Test Teams may use the entire time block to take the written test. The written test may include but is not limited to: Relationships between resistance, voltage, and temperature (~25%) Theory of LEDs, working principles, and applications (~25%) The process of calibration - working with raw data and determining real world relationships (~25%) Operational knowledge of basic Device component (~25%)
Other Technique Multi measurement (Pseudo bit) Write interface to shorten the calibration time Write user interface to manage the software upload risk Sensor Requirement Cable >30cm Analog output only Not be pre-calibrated or pre-water proof
Design Log A top-down photograph of the Device with labels identifying all the components and detailing their function. This section should also include a brief summary explaining how the Device was constructed and the Sensor waterproofed. A data table with at least 10 trials showing the sensor voltage reading versus the corresponding temperature values in ℃. Scatter-plot graph of this data with temperature on the Y-axis and voltage on the X-axis. Function graph of mathematical model supported by the data overlaid on scatter-plot of the data. Equation of the above mathematical model used to convert measured voltage to the corresponding temperatures in ℃ highlighted for easy identification. Printout of program with code highlighted showing this exact mathematical equation converting voltage to temperature ℃. Program with the code highlighted that will illuminated the appropriate LED(s) according to their assigned temperature ranges.
Resources Shopping Arduino website ( Online general: ebay, amazon Online electronics: Digikey, Mouser, Newark Local Shop: (All closed) Arduino website ( Even if you’re not using Arduino… Instructables ( National website ( Student and coach website ( Not the National site Good ideas but be careful – not always according to the rules
Thank You
State Clarification .a National FAQ: Can the "sensor" be composed of multiple individual sensors, or can only one individual sensor be used? No. The device can only have a single sensor. .a National FAQ: May students add a modular analog-to-digital convertor (ADC) to theirmicrocontroller? No. External signal conditioning boards are not allowed. b National FAQ: Are RTDs allowed as a legal sensor as long as they comply with all other rules? They seem to fall under the definition of a thermistor. Yes. RTDs are allowed. However, the RTD can not be connected to an external signal conditioning board before the signal is routed to the micro-controller board. b National FAQ: Are thermocouples allowed as a legal sensor as long as they comply with all other rules? Thermocouples are listed as legal on the example sensor list on the website but not explicitly listed as one of the two fundamental electric components Yes. Thermocouples are legal. However, external circuit boards are illegal. So, a thermocouple may be used, but an external signal conditioning board can not. National FAQ: Are we allowed to use more than one temperature sensor and use an average reading of them, or is there a limit of only one input device? No, only one sensor per device is allowed.