BIO Mike, CEO and Dawn Founder & Director of advocacy at INsideOUT Cares, have been married 20 yrs. They are the proud parents to Sam 18, and Abbie 16, bonus daughter Monique 19 and her 2 kids 5 months and 2yrs old. Mike and Dawn have been therapeutic foster parents for 3 yrs. housing 7 youth that are high risk or trafficking survivors. Their work with INsideOUT Cares was developed from a collaboration of nation-wide trainings from leading organizations working in the anti-human trafficking field. Through INsideOUT’s multi-tiered approach of building healthy mentorship-relationships with at risk youth & victims we are able to teach recognition of behavioral triggers, educate youth on recruitment tactics, help youth self-identify, and provide immediate resources for healing. Their partnerships with law enforcement, multi-disciplinary teams, legislators, local organizations, and churches have provided for over 80 survivors in the state of Idaho. Session description: INsideOUT Cares session will provide information to learn what human trafficking in Idaho looks like, and how it happens. This session will assist healthcare professionals reach a comfortable understanding of the complexities of human trafficking. This session lends help in identifying possible survivors, and providing appropriate resources.
What is the Crime?
Human Trafficking is a Complex Criminal Activity In it’s basic form it’s Commerce…. but its hard to recognize unless your looking for it DEMAND “John” Buyers SUPPLY Trafficker “Pimp” PRODUCT ”Victim” Human Trafficking Commerce
THE DEMAND IS HIGH! Understanding the, “Demand” helps us take a holistic approach to addressing human trafficking Do you think DEMAND is fueling the crime?
Gorilla Pimps Romeo CEO Familial Traffickers and Pimps Gorilla Pimps Romeo CEO Familial Victims identity is has changed… Many Traffickers use the Hierarchy of needs to exploit their victims Trafficker takes over… Victim gets comfortable… Traffickers way in…
9% 14% 36% 14% 27% Covenant House, New York Study indicated, 2013 These statistics are from a specific area based data is collected from victim statements. Statistics across in different areas show the similar findings across the US
Circle of INFLUENCE TRUST 90% of Traffickers are in a position of Trust to the Victim Circle of INFLUENCE TRUST
So what is human trafficking and how is it defined in the USA?
2 Important Definitions to Remember Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Also known as CSEC Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Also known as DMST
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Commercial sexual exploitation of children occurs when individuals buy, trade, or sell sexual acts with a child. Children who are involved in the commercial sex industry are viewed as victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons, which is sex trafficking A commercial sex act is “any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person.” When working with minors: Any minor under the age of 18 who is involved in a commercial sex act is a victim of human trafficking Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 [United States of America]. Public Law 106-386 [H.R. 3244]. 28 October 2000. ]Ibid., Section 103(3). Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, Pub. L. No. 106-386, 114 State. 1466 (codified in scattered sections of 18 and 22 U.S.C.)
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) is the commercial sexual exploitation of American children within U.S. borders and is synonymous with child sex slavery, child sex trafficking, prostitution of children and the commercial sexual exploitation of children. The federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 defines severe forms of sex trafficking as: A commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age… When working with minors: Any minor under the age of 18 who is involved in a commercial sex act is a victim of human trafficking Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 [United States of America]. Public Law 106-386 [H.R. 3244]. 28 October 2000. ]Ibid., Section 103(3). Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, Pub. L. No. 106-386, 114 State. 1466 (codified in scattered sections of 18 and 22 U.S.C.)
Who is a Potential Victim? There is no single profile for trafficking victims; trafficking occurs to adults and minors in rural, suburban, or urban communities across the country. Victims of human trafficking have diverse socio-economic backgrounds, varied levels of education, and may be documented or undocumented. While human trafficking spans all demographics, there are some circumstances or vulnerabilities that lead to a higher susceptibility to victimization and human trafficking. National Human Trafficking Resource Center
Traffickers look for Pathways Called, “Grooming or Seasoning” How does this happen? Traffickers look for Pathways Called, “Grooming or Seasoning” Vulnerabilities
RISK FACTORS Social determinants of health Violence and trauma Globalization Marginalized populations
How and Where to look for victims? IN PLAIN SIGHT
Boyfriends Work Start talking TO them Friends SnapChat Video games Church Family Vacation School Shopping MeetME Instagram Start talking TO them
Does the clues add up? drugs Fear rape tattoos runaway theft domestic violence Follow the trail There doesn’t have to be a case Look beyond the surface Ask the right question? What is the purpose of your agency? Who are you doing this work for? Get to know them
1315 N Meridian Rd, Meridian Idaho 83642 Visit our: 1315 N Meridian Rd, Meridian Idaho 83642
Human Trafficking Thank you! QUESTIONS? TM by INsideOUT