‘Ask Twice’ Discussion Pack


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Presentation transcript:

‘Ask Twice’ Discussion Pack Topic: Mental Wellbeing at Network Rail – ending mental health stigma Purpose of the discussion: Network Rail is campaigning to remove mental health stigma and encourage everyone to talk more openly about how they feel, recognising ‘its ok to say you’re not ok’. In support of this continued message the central occupational health and wellbeing team have created the ‘Ask Twice’ video which links to the re-signing of the Time to Change Pledge by Andrew Haines, Network Rail chief executive, on 10 October 2019; World Mental Health Day. Network Rail values of ‘care’ and ‘always be safe’ can be demonstrated by taking positive action to support this campaign. Play the Ask Twice video found on the Mental Wellbeing Hub and use the discussion points below to open a positive conversation around mental wellbeing with colleagues and teams in your area of the business. Then review the resources and tools available within the business to play your role in the campaign.   Discussion points: Use the information below to plan your facilitated discussion. Remember, you don’t need to have all the answers – the role of the facilitator is to create an engaging discussion where everyone understands the points raised and can find solutions. Should anyone wish to opt out of taking part in this session for personal reasons, this is perfectly acceptable. Discussion points Supporting notes Identifying if someone might need a helping hand At Network Rail, when we talk about mental wellbeing, we want our people to feel positive, have a sense of purpose and be able to handle every day pressures. We can all play a role to take responsibility for our own mental wellbeing and look out for others we work with. In the video you saw how Jake noticed something was different with his colleague. Discuss in your group: How well do you know the people you work with? Would you be able to tell if they weren’t themselves? What sort of things might you notice? Starting a conversation In the video, you saw how important it is to ‘Ask Twice’ to offer the chance for a colleague to talk openly. You also heard how Jake asked if his colleague was alright, mentioned he didn’t seem himself and then waited for his colleague to talk. This shows the importance of asking with meaning and being ready to listen. How would you feel about starting a conversation with a colleague you thought might need a chat? What sort of things might you say to open up the conversation? Is there anything that would put you off starting a conversation? How would it make you feel if a colleague opened up about personal issues?

‘Ask Twice’ Discussion Pack Topic: Mental Wellbeing at Network Rail – ending mental health stigma Discussion points Supporting notes Sign posting to support The video closes with Jake’s colleague explaining about difficult personal circumstances. Anyone could be affected by changes in circumstances, either at work or at home. There are many helpful resources which are available to Network Rail employees in order to support mental wellbeing. List how many resources or services you can think of? Consider those internal as well as those available to the general public. Do you know how these resources and services can support mental wellbeing? How can you, as a team, promote awareness of these resources and services where you work so others can benefit too? What is your commitment? We can all take steps to make a positive difference for our own mental wellbeing and support those around us. Consider one action you can do to improve the mental wellbeing: For yourself For your colleagues For where you work For further information: For further support visit the Mental Wellbeing Hub - https://ohw.hub.networkrail.co.uk/Pages/Mental-Wellbeing.aspx Contact Validium the Employee Assistance Programme – a 24/7 confidential advice and support line – 0800 358 4858 Speak to your line manager who can contact Optima, our occupational health provider for advice and recommendations – 0800 083 3324 You can also contact an external support service: Support service What support can be offered? Contact details  Samaritans 24/7 confidential support line for mental health and any other concerns 08457 90 90 90  www.samaritans.org MIND Guidance, resources and educational materials 08457 660 163  www.mind.org.uk SANE Out of hours emotional support line (6pm – 11pm) 08457 767 8000  www.sane.org.uk