1st Quarter Performance Report 2019/20


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Presentation transcript:

1st Quarter Performance Report 2019/20 Presentation to the Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament 1st Quarter Performance Report 2019/20 29 August 2019


Introduction The 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan is an interim APP in an election year and is still based on the 5th Parliament Strategic Plan and Policy Priorities. The interim APP indicators are similar to those of the previous financial year. This years APP has 16 indicators compared to the 14 from the previous financial year. A new APP will be developed after the 6th Parliament Policy Priorities document and 5 year Strategic plan which will be finalized around the end of October. This is done with the Presiding Officers and both Houses of Parliament. The performance indicators are linked to Parliament’s strategic goals and objectives, the budget programme structure, organisational structure, and are based on the business of Parliament, as set out by the Constitution.

Overall Performance

1st Quarter Performance Non-financial indicator Snapshot PERFORMANC BY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE (SO) & INDICATOR   SO 2.2 Number of analytical reports per year SO 2.3 % of strategic, procedural, legal advice and support provided within stipulated timeframes Percentage of analysis reports on ISDs related matters within agreed time frames SO 2.4 Number of reports on ISDs related resolutions SO 1.3 Number of programmes implemented  * SO 1.2 % of Speakers’ Forum and SALSA resolutions followed up and actioned SO 2.1 % of service provision as per Service Charter SO 3.1 % Population having access to participate in parliamentary processes % Population participating in parliamentary processes SO 1.1 Client satisfaction level (% of clients satisfied with service levels) SO 1.5 % of population who are aware of the business of Parliament SO 1.4 % of universal access SO 1.6 Client satisfaction level (% clients satisfied with service levels) SO 1.7 % increase in talent management index SO 4.2 Average number of days to reimburse Members SO 5.1 % of payments made compliant to policy Target Met Target Not Met Annual Target No TarrgetQuarterly Target * No 1st quarter target for LSS indicator Number of programmes implemented – no capacity building programmes were run for Members in the 1st quarter

Budget Allocation A budget of R606,491m has been allocated for the 1st quarter of 2019/20 financial year as of follows:

Appropriation Statement - per branch   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Main Division Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Strategic Leadership and Governance 22,599 21,834 765 97 104,267 100 Administration 40,444 38,484 1,960 95 175,584 Core Business 138,774 130,431 8,343 94 640,894 639,394 1,500 Support Services 92,699 88,538 4,161 96 440,239 Associated Services 180,095 157,878 22,217 88 720,376 735,357 (14,981) 102 Sub-Total 474,611 437,165 37,446 92 2,081,360 2,094,841 (13,481) 101 Direct Charges 131,880 187,687 (55,807) 142 527,518 639,505 (111,987) 121 TOTALS 606,491 624,852 (18,361) 103 2,608,878 2,734,346 (125,468) 105

Appropriation Statement - per branch Appropriation budget Parliament has spent 92% or R437,165m of its appropriated budget of R474,611m for the 1st quarter and indications are that there will be an overspending of 1 percent or R 13,481m of the R 2,081,360b annual budget at the end of the financial year. The projected overspending emanates from the Associated Services (transfers to political parties and medical aid contributions for former Members of Parliament) as indicated under programme 5: Associated Services. National Treasury has been engaged to address the shortfall during the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in line with section 18 (2) (a) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009.   Direct Charges The spending on direct charges is R187,687m or 142% of the 1st quarter budget of R131,880m and indications are that there will be an overspending of 21% or R111,987m of the R527,518m annual budget at the end of the financial year. Overspending and projected overspending for the 1st quarter and annual budget respectively is due to the payment of loss of office and exit gratuities to non-returning Members after the 2019 general elections.

Budget Allocation (cont…)

Appropriation Statement - per economic classification   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Economic Classifications Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Compensation of Members 131,880 187,687 (55,807) 142 527,518 639,505 (111,987) 121 Compensation of Employees 266,587 268,015 (1,428) 101 1,109,709 1,121,091 (11,382) Goods and Services (APP) 40,151 26,014 14,137 65 290,299 288,799 1,500 99 Goods and Services (Members’ entitlements) 43,750 25,648 18,102 59 175,000 100 Transfers 120,933 115,570 5,363 96 483,730 487,329 (3,599) Capital Expenditure 3,190 1,918 1,272 60 22,622 TOTALS 606,491 624,852 (18,361) 103 2,608,878 2,734,346 (125,468) 105

Appropriation Statement - per economic classification Compensation of Members The spending on compensation of Members is R187,687m or 142% of the 1st quarter budget of R131,880m and indications are that there will be an overspending of 21% or R111,987m of the R527,518m annual budget at the end of the financial year. Overspending and projected overspending for the 1st quarter and annual budget respectively is due to the payment of loss of office and exit gratuities to non-returning Members after the 2019 general elections. Until now 171 Members of Parliament lost their seats and/or resigned. National Treasury has been engaged to address the shortfall during the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in line with section 18 (2) (a) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009. Compensation of employees The spending on compensation of employees is 100% or R268,015m of the 1st quarter budget of R266,587m, resulting in a minimal variance of R1,428m, and indications are that there will be an overspending of R11,382m at the end of the financial year. The projected overspending is in respect of the payment of medical aid contributions for former Members of Parliament and Provincial legislatures. Until the end of June 2019, 181 former Members of Parliament and Provincial legislatures decided to continue with their medical aid, and Parliament must contribute certain percentages depending on their service. National Treasury has been engaged to address the shortfall during the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in line with section 18 (2) (a) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009, as well as to consider taking over this payment.

Appropriation Statement - per economic classification (cont…) Goods and services (APP) The spending on goods and services, which relates to the APP, is 46% or R26,014m of the 1st quarter budget of R40,151m resulting in a variance of R14,137m and indications are that the full annual budget will be underspent by 1% or R1,500m due to Events, at the end of the financial year. The reasons for the 1st quarter variance is due to the delay in submission of invoices by service provider, SONA invoices which were paid during July 2019, etc. More details of the variances are provided under programmes performances.  Goods and services (Members’ entitlements) The spending on goods and services, which relates to Members’ entitlements, is 59% or R25,648m of the 1st quarter budget of R43,750m, resulting in a variance of R18,102m, and indications are that the full annual budget will be spent at the end of the financial year. Utilization of entitlements is dependent on the Member’s usage and it is anticipated that spending during the next quarters will be higher and offset the low spending in the 1st quarter.  Transfer payments Spending on transfer payments, which relates to transfers to political parties represented in Parliament for the quarter is 96% or R115,570m of the R120,933m first quarter budget, resulting in a variance of R5,363 due to political parties which have not yet submitted the required documents and/or queried amounts. Indications are that there will be an overspending of R3,599m or 1% of the annual budget of R483,730 at the end of the financial year due to increase in number of political parties and the reduction of the Executives. National Treasury has been engaged to address the shortfall during the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in line with section 18 (2) (a) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009.  Capital expenditure The spending on capital expenditure is 60% or R1,918m of the 1st quarter budget of R3,190m resulting in a variance of R1,272m or 40%, and indications are that the full annual budget of R22,622m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the quarter is due to the delay in procurement of once off capital expenditure relating to the insourcing of cleaning services and computer software.

Programme Performance

Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance (cont…) Strategic Objective 2.2: Improve independent, objective and professional analysis and advice on matters related to the budget and other Money Bills tabled in Parliament by increasing advisory and analytical reports from 8 to 19 by 2019. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 2.2 Number of analytical reports per year 6 3 -3 The negative variance was caused mainly by the close of Parliament at the end of March 2019, and the absence of Committee work as a result PERFORMANCE TRENDS A total of 3 analysis reports were produced by the PBO in quarter 1 which included 2 presentations requested for Parliament Strategic Planning process in May, as well as 1 brief for the Police Budget Vote in June .

Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance (cont…) Strategic Objective 2.3: Improve the provision of objective strategic, procedural and legal advice, research and content support to Parliament on ISDs related matters to strengthen constitutional democracy Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 2.3 Percentage of strategic, procedural, legal advice and support provided within stipulated timeframes 100% in 7 days 81,25% (13 of 16) -18,75% Reason for underperformance is a lack of a common approach in processing requests for advisory services. Business processes were subsequently developed and the provision of services standardised   Percentage of analysis reports on ISDs related matters within agreed time frames 100% (2 of 2) PERFORMANCE TRENDS The establishment of the 6th Parliament delayed the setting up of NA Portfolio Committees and consequently resulted in the inability to appropriately refer tabled reports as a result of the election year.

Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance (cont…) Strategic Objective 2.4: Improve stakeholder liaison and coordination by facilitating implementation of Parliament’s resolutions on ISDs related matters Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 2.4 Number of reports on ISDs related resolutions 1   PERFORMANCE TRENDS The OISD was requested to make a presentation on the role and mandate of the OISD, constitutional independence of ISDs and on the progress regarding the Task Team report dealing with amalgamation and the shifting of the budgets of ISDs. The induction tool place on the 16 and 17 April 2019.

Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Main Division Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Office of the Speaker 8,855 8,596 259 97 43,384 100 Office of the Chairperson 7,784 7,608 176 98 36,833 Parliamentary Budget Office 3,805 3,568 237 94 15,395 Office of the Institutions Supporting Democracy 2,155 2,062 93 96 8,655 TOTALS 22,599 21,834 765 104,267 Overall spending Strategic Leadership and Governance programme has spent 97% or R21,834m of the budget of R22,599m for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R765k and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R104, 267m annual budget at the end of the financial year. Spending per division The Office of the Speaker has spent 97% or R8,596m of the budget for the 1st quarter of R8,855m resulting in a minimal variance of R259k, and indications are that the full annual budget of R43,384m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The Office of the Chairperson has spent 98% or R7,608m of the R7,784m budget for the first quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R176k, and indications are that the full annual budget of R36,833m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The Parliamentary Budget Office has spent 94% or R3,568m of the budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of 6% or R237k, which is due to the fact that the office is not fully capacitated and most of the activities could not be undertaken. Indications are however that there will be a full spend of the R15,395m annual budget at the end of the financial year. The Office of Institutions Supporting Democracy has spent 96% or R2,062m of the R2 155m budget for the 1st quarter and indications are however that there will be a full spend of the R8,655m annual budget at the end of the financial year.

Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Economic Classifications Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Compensation of Employees 20,826 20,664 162 99 86,567 100 Goods and Services 1,754 1,152 602 66 17,353 Capital Expenditure 19 18 1 95 347 TOTALS 22,599 21,834 765 97 104,267 Compensation of employees The spending on compensation of employees is 99% of the R20,664m 1st quarter budget or R20,826m resulting in a minimal variance of R162k, and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R86,567m annual budget at the end of the financial year.   Goods and services (APP) The spending on goods and services is 66% or R1,152m of the 1st quarter budget of R1,754m resulting in a variance of R602k or 34% and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R17,353m annual budget at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the 1st quarter is due to the fact that some activities were postponed due to the preparations for the 2019 general elections and activities not undertaken in the PBO due to the fact that the office does not have a director as well as delays in submission of invoices by service providers. Capital expenditure The spending on capital expenditure is 95% or R18k of the 1st quarter budget of R19k resulting in a minimal variance of R1k or 5% and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R347k annual budget at the end of the financial year

Programme 2: Administration (cont…) Strategic Objective 1.3: Improve institutional capacity by providing specialised development programmes for Members Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 1.3 Number of programmes implemented n/a   Number of reports prepared on implementation of Sector Strategy 1 PERFORMANCE TRENDS While no capacity building programmes took place for Members this quarter, 7 legislatures, including Parliament, held their induction programmes. The draft sector results chain was developed. Legislatures also submitted their legacy reports and SWOT analysis document towards the preparation for the Sector Environmental Analysis.

Programme 2: Administration (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Main Division Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Secretary’s Office 3,432 3,057 375 89 11,666 100 Finance Management Office 13,053 13,018 35 56,136 Internal Audit 4,212 3,572 640 85 16,237 Strategic Management & Governance 7,374 7,428 (54) 101 30,155 Registrar of Members Interest 585 541 44 92 2,757 Legislative Sector 6,588 5,714 874 87 40,713 Projects 5,200 5,154 46 99 17,920 TOTALS 40,444 38,484 1,960 95 175,584

Programme 2: Administration (cont…) Overall spending The Administration has spent 95% or R38,484m of the budget of R40,444m for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of R1,960m or 5%, and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R175,584m annual budget at the end of the financial year. Spending per division The Secretary’s Office has spent 89% or R3,057m of the R3,432m budget for the 1st quarter resulting is a variance of R375k or 11%, and indications are that the full annual budget of R11,666m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the 1st quarter is due to projected legal fees that was not yet paid as invoices are not yet received. The Finance Management Office has spent 100% or R13,018m of the R13,053m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R35k, and indications are that the full annual budget of R56,136m will be spent at the end of the financial year. Internal Audit has spent 85% or R3,572m of the R4,212m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of R640k or 15% and indications are that the full annual budget of R16,237m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the 1st quarter is due to the June 2019 audit fees invoice which was paid in July 2019. The Strategic Management & Governance has spent 101% or R7,428m of the R7,374m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R54k, and indications are that the full annual budget of R30,155m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The Registrar of Members Interest has spent 92% or R541k of the R585k budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of R44k or 8%, and indications are that the full annual budget of R2,757m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the 1st quarter is due to the delay in receiving training invoices. Legislative Sector Support has spent 87% or R5,714m of the R6,588m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of R874k or 13% and indications are that the full annual budget of R40,713m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the 1st quarter is due to postponement of sector programmes due to preparations of the 2019 general elections. Projects has spent 99% or R5,154m of the R5,200m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R46k, and indications are that the full annual budget of R17,920m will be spent at the end of the financial year.

Programme 2: Administration (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Economic Classifications Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Compensation of Employees 30,081 29,870 211 99 117,615 100 Goods and Services 10,346 8,598 1,748 83 53,418 Capital Expenditure 17 16 1 94 4,551 TOTALS 40,444 38,484 1,960 95 175,584 Compensation of employees The spending on compensation of employees is 99% of the R29,870m 1st quarter budget or R30,081m resulting in a minimal variance of R211k, and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R117,615m annual budget at the end of the financial year.   Goods and services (APP) The spending on goods and services is 83% or R8,598m of the 1st quarter budget of R10,346m resulting in a variance of 17% or R1,742m and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R53,418m annual budget at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the 1st quarter is due to delays in payment of the June 2019 audit fees invoice which was paid in July 2019, delay in receipt of the legal fees invoice as well as postponement of the sector programmes due to preparations for the 2019 general elections. Capital expenditure The spending on capital expenditure is 35% or R16k of the 1st quarter budget of R46k resulting in a minimal variance of R1k and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R4,551m annual budget at the end of the financial year.

Programme 3: Core Business (cont…) Strategic Objective 2.1: Improve the availability of advisory and information services, in support of plenary and committee proceedings, from 91% to 95% by 2021. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 2.1 % of information available as per Service Charter levels 94% 99,64% +5,64%   PERFORMANCE TRENDS Only 1 indicator fell marginally below its target of 100%, i.e. 98% of procedural advise was delivered within the required time.

Programme 3: Core Business (cont…) Service Charter 2019/2020 sub-indicators

Programme 3: Core Business (cont…) Strategic Objective 3.1: Increase access and participation in the processes of Parliament through enhanced programmes to ensure participatory democracy. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 3.1   a % Population having access to participate in parliamentary processes Annual Target 11% n/a B % Population participating in parliamentary processes 6% Terms of reference and request for quotation have been finalized for the survey. PERFORMANCE TRENDS Stakeholder workshops were held in the Northern Cape and the North West Province on the 6th Parliament, SONA, Budget speech and the 4th Industrial Revolution 5 Democracy Education workshops were conducted The visitors’ programme is under review to revitalise it as the flagship inbound programme of Parliament 2640 Tours’ Visitors

Programme 3: Core Business (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Main Division Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Deputy Secretary: Core Business 960 4,116 100 Events (SONA, Youth & Women Parliaments) 4,500 7,500 6,000 1,500 80 National Assembly 10,034 10,017 17 43,713 National Council of Provinces 8,497 7,910 587 93 54,313 Core Business Support 61,556 58,961 2,595 96 299,943 Knowledge and Information Services 47,048 47,393 (345) 101 188,418 International Relations and Protocol 6,179 6,150 29 42,891 TOTALS 138,774 130,431 8,343 94 640,894 639,394

Programme 3: Core Business (cont…) Overall spending The Core Business has spent 94% or R130,431m of the budget of R138,774m for the 1st quarter and indications are that there will be a R 1,500m underspending at the end of the financial year. Spending per division There is no spending of the R960k and R4,500m budget for the 1st quarter by the Deputy Secretary: Core and Events respectively, and indications are that the full R4,116m annual budget for the Deputy Secretary will be spent at the end of the financial year, whereas indications are that there will be underspending of R1,500m for Events at the end of the financial year. The non-spending for the quarter is due to the fact that SONA happened late in June 2019 and invoices will be received and paid during July 2019.   National Assembly has spent 100% or R10,017m of the R10,034m budget for the 1st quarter and indications are that the full R43,713m annual budget will be spent at the end of the financial year. National Council of Provinces has spent 93% or R7,910m of the R8,497m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of R587k or 7% and indications are that the full annual budget of R54,313m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the quarter is due to the delay in receiving of travel invoices. The Core Business Support has spent 96% or R58,961m of the R61,556m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R2,595m or 4% and indications are that the full R299,943m annual budget will be spent at the end of the financial year. The Knowledge and Information Services has spent 101% or R47,393m of the R47,048m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R345k or 1% and indications are that the full R188,418m annual budget will be spent at the end of the financial year. International Relations and Protocol has spent 100% or R6,150m of the R6,179m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R29k due to the delay in receiving subscription invoices. Indications are that the full annual budget of R42,891m will be spent at the end of the financial year.

Programme 3: Core Business (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Economic Classifications Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Compensation of Employees 122,632 122,280 352 100 506,151 Goods and Services 15,650 8,010 7,640 51 130,848 129,348 1,500 99 Capital Expenditure 492 141 351 29 3,895 TOTALS 138,774 130,431 8,343 94 640,894 639,394 Compensation of employees The spending on compensation of employees is 100% or R122,280m of the R122,632m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R352k, and indications are that the full annual budget of R506,151m will be spent at the end of the financial year.   Goods and services (APP) The spending on goods and services is 51% or R8,010m of the 1st quarter budget of R15,650m resulting in a variance of R7,640m or 49% and indications are that there will be an underspending of R 1,500m on at the end of the financial year. Capital expenditure The spending on capital expenditure is 29% or R141k of the 1st quarter budget of R492k resulting in a variance of R351k or 71% and indications are that the full annual budget of R3,895m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the quarter is due to the delay in procurement of computer software.

Programme 4: Support Services (cont…) Strategic Objective 1.1: Improve overall Member satisfaction with services rendered, from 61% to 64% by 2021* Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 1.1 Client satisfaction level (% of clients satisfied with service levels) Annual 62% n/a Terms of reference and request for quotation have been finalized for the survey. PERFORMANCE TRENDS PCS hosted a delegation from 08-12 April 2019 from the Zambian Parliament where best practices in the communication space was shared among other. PCS participated in a Sector Communication strategic planning workshop from15-16 April 2019. The purpose of the planning session was to ensure that all communicators from the sector synchronise their planning and work. The first Sittings of the 6th Parliament for two Provincial Legislatures and eight State of the Provinces were scheduled on the DSTV channel.

Programme 4 : Support Services (cont…) Strategic Objective 1.5: Increase awareness of the business of Parliament from 27% to 29% by 2021, by improving the communication of Parliament. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 1.5 % of population who are aware of the business of Parliament Annual 27% n/a Terms of reference and request for quotation have been finalized for the survey. PERFORMANCE TRENDS Supporting the Programme of Parliament: Communication plans and activities implemented during the quarter in support of the programme of Parliament include: Freedom Day; Worker’s Day; National Elections; 6th Parliament; First Sittings of both NA and NCOP; the State of the Nation Address; Youth Day; Induction Programme of new Members; elections of Committee Chairs; First NA and NCOP Committee meetings; Africa Month; Women in Leadership Award Ceremony, Zambia benchmarking visit.   Dedicated social media support, live tweeting and uploads on all parliamentary platforms. Dedicated communication support including facilitating the promotion of Parliamentary activities to the public. Facilitation of media interviews for radio and television Multiple articles written for publications and the website to create a heightened awareness of Parliament’s programme. Drafting plans and speaking notes for specific projects of Parliament and engagements of the Presiding Officers. Media releases compiled and sent out to the media distribution list.

Programme 4: Support Services (cont…) Strategic Objective 1.4: Leverage current, new and innovative technologies to meet the information and communication needs of Members and staff by increasing universal access of integrated information services from 80% to 85% by 2021. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 1.4 % of universal access Annual 80% 80.75% +0,75% PERFORMANCE TRENDS The total average for web and mobile accessibility was 80.75% for the 1st quarter of 2019-20. ICT availability is measured according to accessibility and availability. Accessibility means that ICT services are accessible from web and mobile platform, while availability means the percentage (%) of time that the ICT systems are in an operable state (functional to the total time it is required or expected to function) and is commonly measured as Uptime / Total time (Uptime + Downtime). Access to information and processes of Parliament enable greater accessibility, transparency and openness. Access to information and processes of Parliament also enhances effectiveness and efficiency thus improving productivity.

Programme 4: Support Services (cont…) Strategic Objective 1.6: Optimise facilities’ usage and provide adequate and appropriate functional space by creating a conducive working environment to achieve an increased level of satisfaction, from 67% to 70% by 2021. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 1.6 Client satisfaction level (% clients satisfied with service levels) Annual 68% n/a Terms of reference and request for quotation have been finalized for the survey. PERFORMANCE TRENDS With the aim of improving client satisfaction by Members in institutional Support Services, re-engineering of the cleaning services is underway and cleaning was done as planned.

Programme 4: Support Services (cont…) Strategic Objective 1.6: Increase availability of strategic competencies, talent and skills by increasing performance on the talent management index by 3% by 2021. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 1.7 % increase in talent management index * Annual 1% n/a

Programme 4: Support Services (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Main Division Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Deputy Secretary: Support Services 950 935 15 98 4,572 100 Parliamentary Communication Services 14,567 13,106 1,461 90 65,430 Human Resources 15,143 14,965 178 99 101,279 Information Communication and Technology 18,403 18,223 180 81,830 Institutional Support Services 39,467 37,283 2,184 94 171,438 Members Support 4,169 4,025 144 97 15,690 TOTALS 92,699 88,537 4,162 96 440,239

Programme 4: Support Services (cont…) April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Economic Classifications Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Compensation of Employees 77,636 77,611 25 100 337,730 Goods and Services 12,401 9,183 3,218 74 88,680 Capital Expenditure 2,662 1,743 919 65 13,829 TOTALS 92,699 88,537 4,162 96 440,239 Compensation of employees The spending on compensation of employees is 100% or R77,611m of the R77,636m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R25k, and indications are that the full annual budget of R337,730m will be spent at the end of the financial year.   Goods and services (APP) The spending on goods and services is 74% or R9,183m of the 1st quarter budget of R12,401m resulting in a variance of R3,218m or 56% and indications are that the full annual budget of R88,680m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the quarter is due to the delay in receiving catering invoices. Capital expenditure The spending on capital expenditure is 65% or R1,743m of the 1st quarter budget of R2,662m resulting in a variance of R919k or 35% and indications are that the full annual budget of R13,829m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the quarter is due to the delay in procurement of once off capital expenditure relating to the insourcing of cleaning services.

Programme 4: Support Services (cont…) Overall spending The Support Services has spent 96% or R88,537m of the R92,699m budget for the 1st quarter and indications are that there will be a full spend of the R440, 239m annual budget at the end of the financial year. Spending per division The Deputy Secretary: Support Services has spent 98% or R935k of the R950k budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R15k or 2% and indications are that the full R4,572m annual budget will be spent at the end of the financial year. The Parliamentary Communication Services has spent 90% or R13,106m of the R14, 567m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of R1,461m or 10% and indications are that the full annual budget of R65,430m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the quarter is due to the delay and implementation of various activities, including the Website upgrade, Media monitoring report, in session Publication and the delay in receiving SABC invoices for SONA 2019. The Human Resources has spent 90% or R14, 965m of the R15, 143m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R178k and indications are that the full annual budget of R101,279m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The Information Communication and Technology has spent 99% or R18, 223m of the R18, 403m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R180k and indications are that the full annual budget of R81,830m will be spent at the end of the financial year. Institutional Support Services has spent 94% or R37,283m of the R39,467m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of R2,184m or 6% and indications are that the full annual budget of R171,438m will be spent at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the quarter is due to the delay in receiving catering invoices. Members Supports Services has spent 97% or R4,025m of the R4,169m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a minimal variance of R144k or 3% and indications are that the full R15,690m annual budget will be spent at the end of the financial year.

Programme 5: Associated Services (cont…) Strategic Objective 4.2: Reduce average turnaround time for the processing and payment of reimbursements to Members from 2.5 to 2.4 working days by 2021. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 4.2 Average number of days to reimburse Members 2.5 Days 2.78 Days -0,28 End of term 5th Parliament and establishment of 6th Parliament resulted in high administration pressure. Operational resources were required to support end of term and establishment PERFORMANCE TRENDS End of term 5th Parliament and establishment of 6th Parliament resulted in high administration pressure.

Programme 5: Associated Services (cont…) Strategic Objective 5.1: Ensure effective payment and compliance of transfer payments. Performance Indicators 1st Quarter Target Actual performance Variance Status Reasons for variance & mitigation factors 5.1 % of payments made compliant with policy 100% PERFORMANCE TRENDS End of term 5th Parliament and establishment of 6th Parliament resulted in high administration pressure.

Programme 5: Associated Services (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Main Division Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Members Facilities 59,162 42,308 16,854 72 236,646 248,028 (11,382) 105 Transfer to Political Parties 120,933 115,570 5,363 96 483,730 487,329 (3,599) 101 TOTALS 180,095 157,878 22,217 88 720,376 735,357 (14,981) 102 Overall spending The Associated Services has spent 88% or R157,878m of the R180,095m budget for the 1st quarter resulting in a variance of R22,217m or 12% and indications are that there will be an overspending of R14, 981m or 2% of the R720,357m annual budget. Spending on Members’ Facilities, which relates to Members’ entitlements in terms of the Members Handbook and medical aid contributions for former Members of Parliament and Provincial legislatures is at 72% or R42,308m of the 1st quarter budget of R59,162m resulting in a variance of R16,854m or 28% and indications are that there will be an overspending of R11,382m at the end of the financial year. The low spending for the 1st quarter is in respect of Members’ entitlements and utilization of entitlements is dependent on the Member’s usage and it is anticipated that spending during the next quarters will be higher and offset the low spending in the 1st quarter. The projected overspending of R11,382m is in respect of the payment of medical aid contributions for former Members of Parliament and Provincial legislatures. Until the end of June 2019 181 former Members of Parliament and Provincial legislatures decided to continue with their medical aid, and Parliament must contribute certain percentages depending on their service. National Treasury has been engaged to address the shortfall during the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in line with section 18 (2) (a) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009, as well as to consider taking over this payment. Spending on Transfers to Political Parties, which relates to transfers to political parties represented in Parliament for the quarter is 96% or R115,570m of the R120,933m 1st quarter budget, resulting in a variance of R5,363 due to political parties which have not yet submitted the required documents and/or queried amounts, and indications are that there will be an overspending of R3,599m at the end of the financial year as indicated below.

Programme 5: Associated Services (cont…)   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Economic Classifications Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Compensation of employees 15,412 16,660 (1,248) 108 61,646 73,028 (11,382) 118 Goods and services (Members’ entitlements) 43,750 25,648 18,102 59 175,000 100 Transfer Payments 120,933 115,570 5,363 96 483,730 487,329 (3,599) 101 TOTALS 180,095 157,878 22,217 88 720,376 735,357 (14,981) 102

Programme 5: Associated Services (cont…) Compensation of employees Spending on compensation of employees, which relates to medical aid contributions for former Members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures, is 108% or R16,660m of the R15, 412m 1st quarter budget of R15,412m resulting in a variance of R1,248m or 8% and indications are that there will be an overspending of R11,382m or 18% at the end of the financial year. The overspending is due to the payment of medical aid contribution for former Members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures. Until the end of June 2019 181 former Members of Parliament and Provincial legislatures decided to continue with their medical aid, and Parliament must contribute certain percentages depending on their service. National Treasury has been engaged to address the shortfall during the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in line with section 18 (2) (a) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009, as well as to consider taking over this payment. Goods and services (Members’ entitlements) The spending on goods and services, which relates to Members’ entitlements, is 59% or R25,648m of the 1st quarter budget of R43,750m, resulting in a variance of R18,102m, and indications are that the full annual budget will be spent at the end of the financial year. Utilization of entitlements is dependent on the Member’s usage and it is anticipated that spending during the next quarters will be higher and offset the low spending in the 1st quarter. Transfer payments Spending on transfer payments, which relates to transfers to political parties represented in Parliament for the quarter is 96% or R115,570m of the R120,933m 1st quarter budget, resulting in a variance of R5,363 due to political parties which have not yet submitted the required documents and/or queried amounts and indications are that there will be an overspending of R3,599m at the end of the financial year, which is as a result of the increase in political parties from 13 during the 4th and 5th Parliaments to 14 during the 6th Parliament, as well as the reduction of Members of the Executives from 75 to 63. National Treasury has been engaged to address the shortfall during the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in line with section 18 (2) (a) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009, as well as to consider taking over this payment.

Direct Charges April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date   April 2019 – June 2019 Year to date Economic Classifications Budget R’000 Actuals Variance % Annual Budget Actuals & Projections Compensation of Members 131,880 187,687 (55,807) 142 527,518 639,505 (111,987) 121 TOTALS Direct charges Spending on direct charges, which relates to Members’ remunerations, R187,687m or 142% or the 1st quarter budget of R131,880m and indications are that there will be an overspending of 21% or R111,987m of the R527,518m annual budget at the end of the financial year. Overspending and projected overspending for the 1st quarter and annual budget respectively is due to the payment of loss of office and exit gratuities to non-returning Members after the 2019 general elections. Until now 171 Members of Parliament lost their seats and/or resigned. National Treasury has been engaged to address the shortfall during the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in line with section 18 (2) (a) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009.

Thank you