Surface CD4 and CD14 and intracellular TNF-α expression in PBMCs Surface CD4 and CD14 and intracellular TNF-α expression in PBMCs. PBMCs were cultured for 6 h in medium (left panels) or were stimulated with PMA-ionomycin (middle panels) or PHA (right panels) in the presence of monensin. Surface CD4 and CD14 and intracellular TNF-α expression in PBMCs. PBMCs were cultured for 6 h in medium (left panels) or were stimulated with PMA-ionomycin (middle panels) or PHA (right panels) in the presence of monensin. Dot plots of CD4-FITC (FL1 [green fluorescence]) (A) or CD14-FITC (B) versus TNF-α–PE (FL2 [orange fluorescence]) expression in the whole PBMC population are shown. Numbers show percentages of positive cells. Data from one representative experiment of three experiments performed are shown. Jarołsaw Baran et al. Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. 2001; doi:10.1128/CDLI.8.2.303-313.2001