Butterflies, Pinwheels, and Wallpaper Math CC7/8 – Be Prepared On Desk: CW 1.3 Homework Tracking Sheet Journal: 1) Date: 5/24/2019 2) Mrs. Toborg will sign off on your HW Tuesday 3) Put tonight’s HW assignment on your tracking sheet 4) Title: BPW 1.3 Translations Turn In: TWMM Book (place on side table by closet) In Your Planner: HW: BPW Worksheet #11 and #13
Tasks for Today Practice Reflection and Rotation Lesson 1.3- Translation Symmetry
JJ’ is parallel to LL’ (etc.) Labsheet 1.3 J’ K’ The connecting segments are the same length and are parallel to each other! GG’ = HH’ = KK’ (etc.) JJ’ is parallel to LL’ (etc.) H’ L’ M’ G’ All points move in straight lines and in the same direction
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CCnJOxrZaY&hd=1 Pencils down! Not until slide 14 do students translate figure ABCDE Pencils down! Watch first! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CCnJOxrZaY&hd=1
Translation When translating an object we need to remember to keep the same distance and keep the same angle. To keep the same angle, we must maintain parallel lines of translation. If given an arrow of translation, follow these 4 steps– Measure the distance and label the distance on the line. Keeping your ruler parallel to the original line, measure the same distance and plot the new point on the image. (label as prime!) Repeat steps for all remaining points. Connect all new points to create your translated image. Remember: Label all new points as PRIME! Each new point will be the SAME distance from the original and maintain the SAME angle as the original object. JOURNAL: Students need to measure the distance of the arrow. Label the distance. The arrow tells them in which “angle” direction and how far to slide each point to create its image point.
Begin Homework BPW 1.3 WS #11 and #13