Alpha-particle optical model potentials within


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Presentation transcript:

Alpha-particle optical model potentials within Vlad Avrigeanu Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG – SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM Praga, Czech Republic, May 3-5, 2017 Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics & Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania Alpha-particle optical model potentials within consistent analysis of fast-neutron induced reactions on Zr isotopes Vlad Avrigeanu and Marilena Avrigeanu Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics & Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest, Romania On the topics: [ Introduction - consistent model calculations: method, tools, (R)IP(L3) ] (a,g), (a,n), (p,a), reaction analysis at E≤ B [ Astrophysics & EUROfusion ] (p,g), (p,n), (n,g) reaction analysis (n,a) reaction analysis [ Neutron activation of 90-92,94,96Zr ] [ Conclusions ] Vlad Avrigeanu Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 1 Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 4th Association EURATOM-MEdC Days Meeting, Ramnicu Valcea, 01-02.10. 2007 1

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 1.1 Method, tools, IP [Nuclear data consistent model calculations] [ E.D. Arthur – P.G. Young, LANL, ’80 ] [ e.g., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 76, 137 (1980) ] [ IAEA/NDS RCs (12), Bucharest, 1982-2011 ] YES unitary use of common model parameters for different mechanisms use of consistent sets of input parameters - determined by analyses of various independent experimental data unitary account of whole body of related experimental data for isotope chains and neighboring elements [ activation & particle-emission spectra ] [ enlarged incident-energy range ] NO re-normalization or free parameters, widely-used within ND libraries, e.g.: EFFDOC-1288: (NRG-Petten) EFFDOC-1289: (KIT-Karlsruhe) Vlad Avrigeanu 2 Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 Vlad Avrigeanu Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics & Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania 1.1 Method, tools, IP OPTICAL MODEL : prime tool for all cross section calculations Phenomenological OMP (global parameter sets): still extensively used Microscopic OPs: reduced uncertainties (e.g., OM ambiguities) Phys. Rev. C62 (2000) 017001 Nucl. Phys. A693 (2001) 616 Eur. Phys. J. A12 (2001) 399 Int. J. of Mod. Phys. E, 11 (2002) 249 Nucl. Phys. A723 (2003) 104 Nucl. Phys. A 759 (2005) 327 Nucl. Phys. A 764 (2006) 246 Pure elastic scattering OP analysis SCAT2 [O. Bersillon] - phenomenological OP + semi-microscopic (DF) OP (local version) Coupled Reaction Channel (CRC) FRESCO-2003 [I.J. Thompson] Composite system equilibration - Geometry Dependent Hybrid (GDH) preequilibrium-emission model - Hauser-Feshbach (HF) statistical model STAPRE-H95 [V. Avrigeanu, M. Avrigeanu] (updated) 0. Concerning the nuclear-model calculations actually involved in the nuclear data evaluations, 1. The OM is a prime tool. However, there are still extensively used – IN THE CASE OF ALPHA-PARTICLES - the phenomenological OMPs, while it is known that the involvement of microscopical potentials would reduce really the uncertainties of the OMP parameter sets. 2. The computer codes used in order to obtain the results shown in this presentation are, first, SCAT2 for pure elastic scattering,… 3. …second, a local (NIPNE-Bucharest) code for usinf the DFM, with results … 4. …described in … 5. …a series of papers. 6. At the same tine it has been also used the CRC code FRESCO for elastic-transfer consideration. 7. Finally, some of the discussed OMP have been involved in PE+HF calculations with our local code STAPRE-H, which includes also SCAT2 for calculations of OM transmission coefficients, while the same OMP parameters are involved in the PE description in the frame of the GDH model for description of the intranuclear transition rates. Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 1.1 Method, tools, IP LOCAL APPROACH: STAPRE-H95 (updated-2014) [OM/PE/SM: SCAT2, GDH, HF] neutron- spherical OMP [Koning-Delaroche, Nucl.Phys. A713, 231 (2003)] p-, a- spherical OMP: [Johnson+ (1968), V. Avrigeanu+, PRC 49, 2125 (1994), V. Avrigeanu+, PRC 90, 044612 (2014)] g-ray strength functions: E1[EGLO/OCL:PRC 93,045810(2016), ibid. 94,025804(2016)] M1(SLO, 1990 [RIPL-1]) PE: Geometry Dependent Hybrid model [M. Blann+, PRC 28, 1493 (1984)] + a-particle emission [Z.Phys. A 329,177(1988)] + Jp-conservation [Z.Phys. A 329,177(1988)] + gFGM(e), AK(p,h), fK(p,h,E,F1(l,Ei) [Phys. Rev. C 58, 295 (1998)] Nuclear-level density (E>Ed [ENSDF]): BSFG: + E*<Bn: (a,D) from fit of [D0 (RIPL-3), Nd (ENSDF,RIPL3)] + E*>Bn: a(E*) [A.R. Junghans+, NPA629, 635 (1998); A.J. Koning, M.B. Chadwick, PRC 56, 970 (1997)] + I/Ir: 0.5(g.s.)-0.75(Bn)-1(15 MeV) [ V.Avrigeanu+, JNST S2,746 (2002) Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

2. The a-particle emission: F4E-GRT-168.01-5.1 F4E-GRT-168.02-8.1 F4E-GRT-168.02-8.1 arXiv:1605.05455 Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 2.1 HF analysis (a,g): based on RSF data (A ~ 150-170) Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 2.2 HF analysis (a,g), (p,g): based on RSF data (A ~ 60-70) Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 2.2.2 HF analysis (a,x), (p,g), (p,n), (p,a): A ~ 60-70 Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 2.3 HF analysis (a,g), (p,g): based on RSF data (A ~ 60) Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 2.4 HF analysis (a,g), (p,g): based on RSF data (A ~ 110-120) Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 3.1 HF analysis (n+Zr): RSF/OMP(p) vs. s(p,g) , s(p,n) EFFDOC-1314 Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 3.2 HF analysis (n+Zr): RSF vs. s(n,g) : 89Y, 90-92,94,96Zr Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 Vlad Avrigeanu Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics & Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania 4. Consistent analysis of reactions 90,91,92,94Zr(n,x), En<22 MeV EFFDOC-1299 Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 4.1 HF+PE analysis: reactions (n,2n) , (n,xp) on, e.g., 90,96Zr, En<22 MeV EFFDOC-1314 Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 4.2 Results for (n,a) reactions on 90,94Zr, En<22 MeV: EFFDOC-1299 Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017 4.3 Results for (n,a) reactions on 92,96Zr, En<20 MeV: OMPs basic differences: - AHA (1994) [Nolte+ (1887) extrapolation down]: WV(MeV) @5+0.2E - A+(2014) [s(a,x), Ea<B; dsa,a/dW, Ea>B]: WD~4, 4+..., WV=0, Ea<B  ? a-absorption (E<B): at surface (n,a) - emission (E<B): in volume PRC 91,064611 (2015): [ (p,a) – emission (E<B): at surface ] Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017

Thank you for your attention ! 5. Conclusions Consistent RSF: consistent (n,g), (p,g), (a,g), (a,p) cross sections Consistent analysis of (n,x) reactions on 90,91,92,94,96Zr (to be published) (n,a) analysis: PRC 91,064611 (2015): [ (p,a) – emission (E<B): at surface ] ? Open Questions (?) Additional (n,a) & (p,a) reaction c.s. consistent analysis Additional (n,a) & (n,an) reaction c.s. consistent analysis ? ? Thank you for your attention ! 17 Vlad Avrigeanu Workshop LEA NuAG - SPIRAL2-CZ - CANAM, May 3-5, 2017