¡Bienvenidos! Spanish I
Su maestra de español Profe Ms. Snyder Profe Snyder
Why do we study another language? A simple controller will allow you to play many video games—just like English is fine for just about anything you may need to do. A controller with more options opens up more possibilities—just like knowing another language opens up more opportunities.
Learning another language will improve any career path you choose.
Learning another language may help you out of sticky situations.
Learning another language may allow you to help someone else.
*Remember, Profe, start with #2! •Name sticks Firstname Lastname # assigned to you *Remember, Profe, start with #2!
“Getting to Know You” questions Come to the front of the class Choose a question Answer the question Answer any follow up questions we have for you Choose the name stick for the next person to come up
Meet in the World Language lab frequently! Computer Lab 4 Please read and sign the agreement now.
ALL cell phones are turned in at the beginning of class.
No nuts of any kind allowed!
Supplies for class* 3-ring binder with paper 5 dividers (bring tomorrow) Writing utensil Textbook (Bring it EVERY DAY) Planner (paper or digital) *See me whenever if you would like me to help you get these supplies.
The BEST way to learn a language is to USE it, so... Who are you?
• Soy (your name). My experience with Spanish is... If you could have answered a different “Getting to Know You” question, which would it be, and what would your answer have been?
Learning a language opens up opportunities… Do more than just shop; connect with people. Do more than take pictures; understand the cultural significance of what you see. even if you are not good at it