Renal angina threshold as a function of predisposition to develop AKI in adults. §Patients with septic shock or patients receiving vasopressors and mechanical ventilation (12,36). Renal angina threshold as a function of predisposition to develop AKI in adults. §Patients with septic shock or patients receiving vasopressors and mechanical ventilation (12,36). Because a change of 0.1 mg/dl is within interassay range for serum creatinine in many laboratories, a repeat of a serum creatinine or more frequent measurement may be required to make sure that the trend is not a consequence of laboratory error. ¥After cardiac surgery: Thakar score ≥5 (7); after general surgery: Michigan classes III through V (6); general ICU: High-risk patients (37,38). ΦAfter cardiac surgery: Thakar score >3 (7); after general surgery: Michigan class II (6); general ICU: Low-risk patients (37,38). Stuart L. Goldstein, and Lakhmir S. Chawla CJASN 2010;5:943-949 ©2010 by American Society of Nephrology