1920 PEIMS UPDATES_2 HB3 Part2 July 30, 2019 – August 1, 2019.


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Presentation transcript:

1920 PEIMS UPDATES_2 HB3 Part2 July 30, 2019 – August 1, 2019


BACKGROUND Under HB 3, LEAs must annually certify that the LEA has established a program for gifted and talented students as required under TEC 29.124.

HB 3 – Section 2.018 (Excerpt) SECTION 2.018. Subchapter D, Chapter 29, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 29.124 to read as follows: Sec. 29.124. CERTIFICATION AND REPORTING REQUIRED. (a) Each school district shall annually certify to the commissioner that the district has established a program for gifted and talented students as required by this subchapter and that the program is consistent with the state plan developed under Section 29.123. (b) If the commissioner determines that a school district has failed to comply with Subsection (a) for a school year, the commissioner shall reduce the total amount of funding to which the district is entitled under Chapter 48 for that school year by an amount equal to the basic allotment multiplied by the product of: (1) 0.12; and (2) an amount equal to five percent of the students in average daily attendance in the district. Here is the legislation one note is that if you don’t report a GT program what is on 29.184 (b) will happen.

Legislation (c) The commissioner may restore to a school district all or part of the funding withheld from the district's entitlement under Subsection (b) if during the school year the district complies with Subsection (a). (d) At the same time that a school district makes the certification required under Subsection (a), the district shall report to the commissioner regarding the use of funds on the district's program for gifted and talented students as provided by State Board of Education rule. (e) Nothing in this section may be construed as limiting the number of students that a school district may identify as gifted and talented or serve under the district's program for gifted and talented students. Continued:

Gifted AND Talented data structure TX-GiftedTalentedPrograms sub-complex is added to the LocalEducationAgencyExtension complex type to be reported in the PEIMS Fall Submission. GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE (E1645) is added to the sub-complex type TX- GiftedTalentedPrograms on the LocalEducationAgencyExtension complex type to be reported in the PEIMS Fall Submission. Definition: GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE indicates a gifted and talented program the LEA has established is consistent with the state plan developed under TEC 29.123. As a result TEA has added the GT Program Code to the Ed Org Interchange There is the definition

GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE Element ID: E1645 Data Element: GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM- CODE XML Name: TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode Code Table ID: C223 Length: 2 Data Type: Coded Pattern: ** Submission: 1 Mandatory: Yes Here are the complex types specs

GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE Each LEA will report their Gifted and Talented Program offering(s) with new sub-complex type TX- GiftedTalentedPrograms and the new data element GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE (E1645). GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE is an unbounded data element within the TX-GiftedTalentedPrograms sub- complex type; LEAs should report each program they offer. There can be more than one (unbounded) offering. (no limits)

Gifted and talented – xml example <LocalEducationAgency> <StateOrganizationId>111222</StateOrganizationId> <TX-GiftedTalentedPrograms> <TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode>01</TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode> <TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode>02</TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode> <TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode>03</TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode> </TX-GiftedTalentedPrograms> </LocalEducationAgency> Here an example of how the subcomplex will look, in the example the district offer 3 program types 01, 02, 03

GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated C223 GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode 8/30/2019   Code Translation 00 Does not provide a program for gifted and talented students. 01 Pull-out Part-time services in a classroom, other than the student's regular class, that take place on a regular schedule provided by a gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update trained teacher.  02 Push-in A gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update trained teacher provides occasional services to a student while the student is in their regular classroom.  03 Full-time gifted only The student receives the majority of their core subjects from teachers with gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update training with peers who are all identified as gifted/talented. 04 Full-time inclusion The student receives a majority of their core subjects from a specific teacher or teachers with gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update training, but the classes may include peers who are not identified as gifted/talented.  05 Special day school A special school which is administratively separate from regular schools and is organized to serve gifted/talented students with gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update trained teachers.  This is the associated code table (C223) 5 different programs or 00 Does not provide a program

GIFTED AND TALENTED Business Rules Organization – District Field Level Validation Rule Rule Text/Meaning Level PEIMS Submission Applies to: 10010-000E For a Local Education Agency, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, ARMED-SERVICES-VOC-APT-BATTERY-INDICATOR-CODE, and GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE. F 1 District, Charter For a Local Education Agency, the following must be provided: StateOrganizationId, TX-ArmedServicesVocAptBatteryIndicatorCode, and TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode. The new GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE must be reported by all LEAs in PEIMS Submission 1. GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE cannot be blank has to be 00-05 from C223

GIFTED AND TALENTED Business Rules Student - Enrollment Context Rule Rule Text/Meaning Level PEIMS Submission Applies to: 40110-new1 NEW If there is at least one student in the LEA with GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of “1”, then the LEA must report at least one GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE that is not “00”. F 1 District, Charter If at least one student in the LEA is reported as participating in a state-approved gifted and talented program, then the LEA must report at least one TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode. If at least one student is reported as participating in the gifted and talented program, then the LEA must report what types of gifted and talented programs they provide. If student is reported with GT=1 then you should report GT Program Type


Background Under HB 3, Section 1.017, the requirement for a local education agency (LEA) to report the number of students participating in each of the categories of expanded learning opportunities (ELOs) offered at each campus was removed. Since there is no longer a requirement for LEAs to report student level participation in ELOs, the associated reporting complex types, data elements, guidance and reports will be removed. The ELOs offered at each campus will be reported. No more student level reporting only campus level reporting

HB 3 – Section 1.017 Excerpt Sec. 48.009. REQUIRED PEIMS REPORTING. (b) [(a-1)] The commissioner by rule shall require each school district and open-enrollment charter school to report through the Public Education Information Management System information regarding: (3) [(1)] the availability of expanded learning opportunities as described by Section 33.252 at each campus; [and] (4) [(2) the number of students participating in each of the categories of expanded learning opportunities listed under Section 33.252(b). TEC Changes with section 1.017 The number of students participating in ELOs has been removed Only thing left on the legislation is the districts still report if they have ELO and which one do they offer

ELO Campus only reporting Remove all data elements and complex types associated with collecting student level participation in ELOs from the StudentProgramExtension complex type as follows: Complex Type TX-StudentELOS Complex Type TX-StudentELO CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) ELO-TYPE-CODE (E1614) ELO-PARTICIPATION-DAYS (E1622) ELO-RIGOROUS-COURSEWORK-INDICATOR-CODE (E1615) ELO-MENTORING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1616) ELO-TUTORING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1617) ELO-PHYSICAL-ACTIVITY-INDICATOR-CODE (E1618) ELO-ACADEMIC-SUPPORT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1619) ELO-EDUCATIONAL-ENRICHMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1620) Remove guidance in TEDS associated with student level ELO participation. These are all the elements and complex types that were removed from the student program extension.

Business Rules Student - Enrollment Field Validation Rules Rule Text/Meaning Level PEIMS Submission Applies to: 40110-000K For a Student Program, the following must be provided: TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD, GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE, PREGNANCY-RELATED-SERVICES, SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE, INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR-CODE, and SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY-INDICATOR-CODE. F 3 District, Campus, Charter For a Student Program, the following must be provided: StudentUniqueStateId, TX-CareerAndTechnologyEd, TX-GiftedAndTalented, TX-PregnancyRelatedSvcs, TX-SpecialEducation, TX-InterventionStrategyIndicator, and TX-Section504Indicator TX-ExpandedLearningOpportunityIndicatorCode. 40110-000L For a Student Program, the following must be provided: TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE, and GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY-INDICATOR-CODE. 4 For a Student Program, the following must be provided: StudentUniqueStateId, TX-BilingualESLSummer, and TX-GiftedAndTalented TX-ExpandedLearningOpportunityIndicatorCode.

Business Rules Student - Enrollment Context Rules Rule Text/Meaning Level PEIMS Submission Applies to: 40110-0196 DELETED RULE If EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then TX-StudentELOS must be reported. F 3, 4 District, Campus, Charter 40110-0197 If EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY-INDICATOR-CODE is "0", then TX-StudentELOS must not be reported. 40110-0198 If EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then at least one of the following fields must be "1": ELO-RIGOROUS-COURSEWORK-INDICATOR-CODE, ELO-MENTORING-INDICATOR-CODE, ELO-TUTORING-INDICATOR-CODE, ELO-PHYSICAL-ACTIVITY-INDICATOR-CODE, ELO-ACADEMIC-SUPPORT-INDICATOR-CODE, or ELO-EDUCATIONAL-ENRICHMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. 40110-0199 If ELO-TYPE-CODE is not blank, then ELO-TYPE-CODE must be "01", "02", or "03". 3 40110-0200 If ELO-TYPE-CODE is not blank, then ELO-TYPE-CODE must be "04". 4 Altered business rules because of the change in elo reporting


background Under HB 3, Section 1.017, TEC section 48.009 addresses required PEIMS reporting. Included in this section is a requirement for the commissioner to adopt rules to include pregnancy as a reason a student withdraws from or otherwise no longer attends public school. Additionally, under HB 330, the commissioner is to exclude from the computation of dropout rates students who have suffered a condition, injury, or illness that requires substantial medical care and leaves the student unable to attend school and assigned to a medical or residential treatment facility.

HB 3 – Section 1.017 Excerpt Sec. 48.009. REQUIRED PEIMS REPORTING. (d) Not later than January 1, 2020, the commissioner shall adopt rules requiring the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to include pregnancy as a reason a student withdraws from or otherwise no longer attends public school. The state has added new withdrawal code (Pregnancy withdrawal) Applies to Males and Females statute does not specify gender.

HB 330 (Excerpt) SECTION 1. Section 39.053(g-1), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (g-1) In computing dropout and completion rates such as high school graduation rates under Subsection (c)(1)(B)(ix), the commissioner shall exclude: … (7) students who have suffered a condition, injury, or illness that requires substantial medical care and leaves the student: (A) unable to attend school; and (B) assigned to a medical or residential treatment facility. HB330 has excluded student going through these events code (7) from drop out and completion rates in accountability.

LEAVER-REASON-CODE (C162) code table Two new codes will be added to the LEAVER- REASON-CODE (C162) code table as follows: Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated C162 LEAVER-REASON-CODE TX-LeaverReasonCodeType 3/2/1998 8/30/2019 Code Translation 08 Pregnancy - Student (female or male) withdrew from/left school because of pregnancy. 20 Medical Injury - Student has suffered a condition, injury, or illness that requires substantial medical care and leaves the student unable to attend school and assigned to a medical or residential treatment facility. Here are the two new leaver codes 08, 20 Guidance will be upcoming on Medical and Pregnancy guidelines. Appendix D has not been updates for 1920SY. Dropout excluded: Federal State Pregnancy y y Medical y n

LEAVER-REASON-CODE (C162-A) code table Two new codes will be added to the LEAVER- REASON-CODE (C162-A) code table as follows: Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated C162 LEAVER-REASON-CODE TX-LeaverReasonCodeType 3/2/1998 8/30/2019 Code Translation 08 Pregnancy 20 Medical Injury Start using this year to report in the 2021 Fall for your leavers. Make sure you SIS is updated.


Background Under SB 1746 and HB 1051, the definition of students who are considered at-risk was expanded to include the following: Students who have been incarcerated or have a parent or guardian who has been incarcerated, within the lifetime of the student, in a penal institution as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code. (SB 1746) Regardless of the student’s age, participates in an adult education program provided under a high school diploma and industry certification charter school program under Section 29.259. (HB 1051) SB1746 and HB1051 have expanded the definition for At- Risk

Legislation SB 1746 AN ACT relating to the inclusion of certain students as students at risk of dropping out of school. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1: Section 29.081(d), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (d) For the purposes of this section, “student at risk of dropping out of school” includes each student who is under 26 years of age and who: … (14)  has been incarcerated or has a parent or guardian who has been incarcerated, within the lifetime of the student, in a penal institution as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code. Legislation SB1746

Legislation HB 1051 AN ACT relating to an adult education program provided under an adult high school diploma and industry certification charter school program and reporting requirements regarding certain students. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 2: Sections 29.081(d) and (d-1), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: (d) For the purposes of this section, “student at risk of dropping out of school” includes each student who is under 26 years of age and who: (1) is under 26 years of age and who: … (2) regardless of the student's age, participates in an adult education program provided under a high school diploma and industry certification charter school program under Section 29.259. Legislation HB1051

AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE The AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE indicates whether a student is currently identified as “at-risk” of not meeting standards or dropping out of school using state-defined criteria (TEC §29.081, Compensatory and Accelerated Instruction). Local criteria are not included in this indicator code. A student “at-risk of dropping out of school” includes each student who:

AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE Added criteria: 14. has been incarcerated or has a parent or guardian who has been incarcerated, within the lifetime of the student, in a penal institution as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code or regardless of the student’s age, each student who participates in an adult education program provided under a high school diploma and industry certification charter school program under Section 29.259. Added code 14 to Element table E0919 Recommendation for incarceration (counselors visits) (teacher referral)


Background HB 165 modified TEC 28.025 to provide the opportunity for a student who is enrolled in special education services to earn an endorsement on their transcript. This legislation changed TEC 28.025 to allow SPED students to earn endorsements.

Legislation HB 165 AN ACT relating to providing for endorsements for public high school students enrolled in special education programs. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1: Section 28.025, Education Code, is amended by adding Subsections (c-7) and (c-8) to read as follows: (c-7) Subject to Subsection (c-8), a student who is enrolled in a special education program under Subchapter A, Chapter 29, may earn an endorsement on the student's transcript by: (1) successfully completing, with or without modification of the curriculum: (A) the curriculum requirements identified by the State Board of Education under Subsection (a); and (B) the additional endorsement curriculum requirements prescribed by the State Board of Education under Subsection (c-2); and (2) successfully completing all curriculum requirements for that endorsement adopted by the State Board of Education: (A) without modification of the curriculum; or (B) with modification of the curriculum, provided that the curriculum, as modified, is sufficiently rigorous as determined by the student's admission, review, and dismissal committee. (c-8) For purposes of Subsection (c-7), the admission, review, and dismissal committee of a student in a special education program under Subchapter A, Chapter 29, shall determine whether the student is required to achieve satisfactory performance on an end-of-course assessment instrument to earn an endorsement on the student's transcript. Here is the legislation

Business Rules Student - Student Graduation Program Context Rules Text/Meaning Level PEIMS Submission Applies to: 48011-0012 If GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is "34", "35", "54", "55", "56", or "57" (FHSP) on this student's school leaver data, then the following fields must be either "0" or "2": FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. F 1 District, Campus, Charter If a leaver has graduated under the Foundation High School Program, then the TX-FHSPDistingLevelAchieveIndicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must be reported as either the student is not pursuing or participating (0), or the student has completed the component (2). TEA added code 35 to this rule. These students can now be reported as having completed the Distinguished Level of Achievement or any of the Endorsements under FHSP. Graduates with Graduation Type Code 35 (for use by students receiving special education and related services who entered grade 9 in 2014-2015 and thereafter or who entered grade 9 prior to the 2014-2015 school year and opted to graduate under the Foundation High School Program) may now be reported as having completed the Distinguished Level of Achievement or any of the Endorsements under FHSP.

Business Rules Student - Student Graduation Program Context Rules Text/Meaning Level PEIMS Submission Applies to: 48011-0028 If GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is not "34", "35", "54", "55", "56", or "57" (FHSP) on this student’s school leaver data, then the following fields must be blank/not reported: FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. F 1 District, Campus, Charter If a leaver has not graduated under the Foundation High School Program, then the TX-FHSPDistingLevelAchieveIndicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must not be reported. Note: Graduates with TX-GraduationTypeCode "35", although FHSP, do not report FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement or the FHSP Endorsement Indicators. Non-FSHP graduates may not be reported as having completed the Distinguished Level of Achievement or any of the Endorsements under FHSP. Non-FSHP graduates may not be reported as having completed the Distinguished Level of Achievement or any of the Endorsements under FHSP.


MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE Due to the expansion of the definition of military connected student, data element MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (E1529) and the associated code table, MILITARY- CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (C197) must be updated. Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is federally mandated to identify school-aged children in grades K-12 who are dependents of active duty members of the military. Therefore, it is necessary to track current active-duty separately from former active- duty. In addition, the translation of code 4 in code table MILITARY- CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (C197) will be refined to align with current wording in TEC 29.153. SB1557 changed the definition of Military Connected students

MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE indicates a student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter school who is a dependent of an active duty or former member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military, or who was a dependent of a member of the United States military, the Texas National Guard or a reserve force of the United States military who was killed in the line of duty.

MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated C197 MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE TX-MilitaryConnectedStudentIndicatorType 8/1/2013 8/30/2019 Code Translation Not a military-connected student 1 Student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of an active duty member of the United States military Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on Active Duty 2 Student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of a current member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard) 3 Student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of a current member of a reserve force in the United States military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard)

MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated C197 MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE TX-MilitaryConnectedStudentIndicatorType 8/1/2013 8/30/2019 Code Translation 4 Pre-kindergarten student is: 1) a dependent of an active duty uniformed member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, or 2) activated/mobilized uniformed member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard), or 3) is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty activated/mobilized members of the Reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard; who are currently on active duty or who were injured or killed while serving on active duty. Note: A student remains eligible for enrollment if the child’s parent leaves the armed forces or is no longer on active duty after the child begins a prekindergarten class. 5 Student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of a former member of one of the following: - the United States military - the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard) - a reserve force in the United States military 6 Student in grade KG – 12 was a dependent of a member of a military or reserve force in the United States military who was killed in the line of duty. Added code 5 --Student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of a former member 6 --Student in grade KG – 12 was a dependent of a member of a military or reserve force in the United States military who was killed in the line of duty.


Background Open-enrollment charter schools generally only serve students who reside in the defined geographical attendance boundary area. Under HB 2190, TEC section 12.117 is expanded to allow an open-enrollment charter school to admit and receive attendance funding for a child of an employee of the school, regardless of whether the child resides in the geographical attendance area served by the school. Currently open-enrollment charter can only serve students that live within the geographic boundaries of the school. HB 2190 now allows children of charter school employees to attend even if they don’t live in the geographic boundaries. This code is for Open Enrollment charters. If your charter is selective or another type of enrollment, this rule does not apply.

Legislation HB 2190 AN ACT relating to admission of certain students to an open-enrollment charter school. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 12.117, Education Code, is amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) Notwithstanding Section 12.111(a)(13), an open- enrollment charter school may admit a child of an employee of the school as provided by this section regardless of whether the child resides in the geographic area served by the school. Here is the legislation

STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE (C161) Code 30 (Child of Charter School Employee) is added to the STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE (C161) code table to identify students attending an open-enrollment charter school who are children of an employee of the school. Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated C161 STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE TX-AttributionType 3/3/1997 8/30/2019 Code Translation 00 No Attribution 01 Open Enrollment Charter School 02 Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) TEC 37.011 12 Private School … …. 29 South Texas ISD [For South Texas ISD Use Only] 30 Child of Charter School Employee TEA added a new code to C161, code 30 on the Attribution table. Students who are children of employees of the charter school who live outside of the geographical attendance area must be reported with this new STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 30 along with the appropriate ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE of 3 (Eligible Transfer Student-Full Day) or 6 (Eligible Transfer Student-Half Day).

Business Rules Student - Enrollment Context Rules Text/Meaning Level PEIMS Submission Applies to: 40110-0108 STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE should be "01" or “30”. S 1, 3, 4 Charter An open enrollment charter school student should be reported with TX-Attribution of "01" indicating Charter or “30” indicating a child of an employee of the charter school. Open enrollment charter schools may report students with Student Attribution Code of 01 or new code 30. 10020- School Extension Complex Type you report (Campus enrollment Type Element) 01 Zoned no transfer 02 Zoned Transfers accepted 03 Open Enroll Charter 04 Selective Enrollment 05 Combined Enroll
