Find your group. Be ready for a quiz. You’ll need ½ sheet of paper. Good morning! Find your group. Be ready for a quiz. You’ll need ½ sheet of paper. 1 2 3 4 5 Jarvis Rosie Steven Summer Eli Philip Eaaron Khin Shing Liberty Isaiah Ephie Drew Cooper Kaylee Madison Tyler Silav Paola David Kyrellos Mya Nigel Gisselle Matthew Jacob Kelly Amber Sebastian Laura Giana Sam Nathan Gene Jonathan 1 2 3 4 5 Jarvis Rosie Steven Summer Eli Philip Eaaron Khin Shing Liberty Isaiah Ephie Drew Cooper Kaylee Madison Tyler Silav Paola David Kyrellos Mya Nigel Gisselle Matthew Jacob Kelly Amber Sebastian Laura Giana Sam Nathan Gene
Find your group. Be ready for a quiz. You’ll need ½ sheet of paper. Good morning! Find your group. Be ready for a quiz. You’ll need ½ sheet of paper. 1 2 3 4 5 Ali Andrew Shythaly Sara Jalin David Kelsey Eric SK Emma Max Sadie Adan Erin Kaylie Anna lisbeth Simon Dayanara Diana Preston Jane Frank Lara Ladavia Matthan Alex Kevin Noah Grayson Angel
Find your group. Be ready for a quiz. You’ll need ½ sheet of paper. Good morning! Find your group. Be ready for a quiz. You’ll need ½ sheet of paper. 1 2 3 Kevin Brityn Angie Keila Julianna Jowan Alisa Jacob Ahmed Faith Maryam
Good morning! Please sit with your research group. You’ll need your project chart, any notes you have, and your major themes sheet. Find a place in your notes for a brief activity. Label it, “Political Parties in the 1850s.”
Political Parties in the 1850s Discuss with your group and create a list of US political parties in the 1840s & 1850s. List as many as you can, and identify any of their beliefs that you know.
Why do we fight? Origins of the Civil War GQ#2 - Why did the Compromise of 1850 break down so quickly? GQ#3 - Why did the Republicans win the 1860 presidential election?
Political Parties of the 1850s Party Platform Democrats Whigs American Party (Know Nothings) Free-Soil Party Liberty Party Republicans
Political Parties through Maps
Political Parties through Maps
Political Parties through Maps
Political Parties through Maps
Political Parties through Maps 1860
Why do we fight? Origins of the Civil War GQ#2 - Why did the Compromise of 1850 break down so quickly? GQ#3 - Why did the Republicans win the 1860 presidential election?
Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1850 CA a Free State UT & NM Popular Sovereignty TX Border Settlement Slave Trade Banned in DC Strict Fugitive Slave Law
Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811 - 1896 So this is the lady who started the Civil War. -- Abraham Lincoln
Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 Sold 300,000 copies in the first year. 2 million in a decade!
Other Effects Underground Railroad Personal Liberty Laws Riots & Fights Anthony Burns Slavery as a “positive good”
Expansionist Young America in the 1850s Filibustering Expeditions
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854 Stephen Douglas Popular Sovereignty
Border “Ruffians” (pro-slavery Missourians) “Bleeding Kansas” Border “Ruffians” (pro-slavery Missourians)
John Brown: Madman, Hero or Martyr?
“The Crime Against Kansas” Sen. Charles Sumner (R-MA) Congr. Preston Brooks (D-SC)
Paper 1 Practice – Birth of the Republican Party Part B – What is the assertion? The formation of the Republican Party caused a great threat to the party system. What is the big message of each source? Which sources support the assertion? Which do not? OMCL Which are more reliable? Why?
Rise of the 3rd Party System Whigs falling apart… Why?
The “Know-Nothings” [The American Party] Anti-Catholics. 1849 Secret Order of the Star-Spangled Banner created in NYC. Nativists. Anti-Catholics. Anti-immigrants. Why didn’t they last?
Birth of the Republican Party 1854 Pro-business Pro-tariff National power over states Internal improvements by national govt No spread of slavery Northern Whigs. Northern Democrats. Free-Soilers. Know-Nothings. Opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
Signs of Sectionalism
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 Roger Taney Decision Effects Reaction? North? South? Others? Douglas? Lincoln?
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858 A House divided against itself, cannot stand.
Stephen Douglas & the Freeport Doctrine How to balance Dred Scott with Popular Sovereignty? …and tick off Southern Democrats
John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry, 1859
Vocab Review First, use your brain. Then, use your notes. Then, use your group.
Exit Ticket Identify one thing you know from being in class today. What would you still like to know about this unit about the Road to the Civil War?
Good morning! Please get out your First Four work. You’ll also need your Major Themes sheet and any notes you have.
End 4 Minutes First Four - 12/29/16 - Cartoon Analysis Identify any characters & symbols. What is the message? How does this connect to our unit or guiding questions? 4 Minutes To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds. End
1860 Presidential Election Abraham Lincoln Republican John Bell Constitutional Union 1860 Presidential Election John C. Breckinridge Southern Democrat Stephen A. Douglas Northern Democrat
1860 Election Results
Secession!: SC Dec. 20, 1860
How did the events of the 1850s impact sectional tensions and contribute to the outbreak of the Civil War? Groups of 3-4 – your table Order, rank, justify Math & History? Class website – Unit 1 sub-tab – Evaluating Causes 11/29
Crittenden Compromise: A Last Ditch Appeal to Sanity Senator John J. Crittenden (Know-Nothing-KY)
Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861