Labeling for tropomyosin, espin, and prestin in rat OHCs Labeling for tropomyosin, espin, and prestin in rat OHCs. A, In horizontal sections, tropomyosin labeling is found throughout the cuticular plate but is frequently associated with rootlets (arrows). Labeling for tropomyosin, espin, and prestin in rat OHCs. A, In horizontal sections, tropomyosin labeling is found throughout the cuticular plate but is frequently associated with rootlets (arrows). B, Rootlet labeling for tropomyosin is more apparent in vertical sections (arrows). C, Labeling for espin is in the stereocilia (s) but is not detectable in the cuticular plate or rootlets (r). Inset, Espin labeling tends to be more frequently observed near the periphery of the stereocilia. D, Prestin labeling is strong in the lateral wall but ends at the lower edge of the junctional region (arrows) and is completely absent from the apical membrane. Scale bars: A, 0.5 μm; B, D, 400 nm; C, 200 nm. David N. Furness et al. J. Neurosci. 2008;28:6342-6353 ©2008 by Society for Neuroscience