CCA1 Regulates Expression of BOA CCA1 Regulates Expression of BOA.(A) Diagram of gene constructs used in tobacco BY-2 protoplast transient assays. pBOAt:GUS, a truncated promoter of BOA (from nucleotides −207 to +43; see Supplemental Figure 2 online for sequence information) that includes ... CCA1 Regulates Expression of BOA.(A) Diagram of gene constructs used in tobacco BY-2 protoplast transient assays. pBOAt:GUS, a truncated promoter of BOA (from nucleotides −207 to +43; see Supplemental Figure 2 online for sequence information) that includes EE was fused with the GUS gene. pMON999, a vector cassette control; p35S:CCA1, effector with coding sequence of CCA1 under the control of CaMV 35S promoter.(B) The promoter activity of BOA was suppressed by CCA1 in transient assays. BY-2 protoplasts were cotransfected with either pMON999 + pBOAt:GUS + p35S::GFP or p35S:CCA1 + pBOAt:GUS + p35S::GFP. GUS activity data were normalized against the internal GFP control before comparison. Each bar represents the average value from three independent experiments with three repeats of each experiment ± sd.(C) CCA1 and LHY affect the expression of BOA. The expression level of BOA in CCA1 and LHY T-DNA insertion lines cca1-11 and lhy-21 or cca1-11 lhy-21 and the control (Ws) was analyzed using qRT-PCR. Plants were entrained under 12-h-light/12-h-dark conditions and released to continuous light (LL), and samples were collected starting from 28 d after sowing. RNA samples were isolated from plant materials and were subjected to qRT-PCR analysis. All the data were normalized against TUBULIN. Each time point represents the mean value of three repeats ± sd.[See online article for color version of this figure.] Shunhong Dai et al. Plant Cell 2011;23:961-972 ©2011 by American Society of Plant Biologists