Time Travel Detectives Key Stage 2 Key Stage 1 Time Travel Detectives The census gives us a picture of the past through a snapshot of the nation and our local area every 10 years. By gathering the same information from every household in the country every decade, we can see how life in the UK is changing.
Time Travel Detectives We can find out about jobs people do now and jobs people used to do in the past. For example, a computer programmer is a job people do now, but didn’t do in the past. A lamplighter is a job people did in the past but don’t do now.
Time Travel Detectives We’re going to add more detail through our own research. For example, we can look at the number of people living in each house in a particular area. What has changed? We’ll discover the personal stories, events and changes that have occurred in our local area
Time Travel Detectives Our local area. What do you know about our local area? Let’s consider: Landmarks Areas of interest Well-known people
Time Travel Detectives Where can we find out about our local area? Census information Local library Local museum Online Asking people we know who live here.
Time Travel Detectives What can we use to find out about our local area? Online census information Photos Videos Artefacts Written text and articles
Time Travel Detectives Year 6 Time Travel Detectives Following our research: Write a letter pretending to be someone from the past. Or: Write a letter to someone in the past about life today. Remember to think about: Consistent and correct use of tense. Select appropriate grammar and vocabulary – remember, our choices can affect the meaning of our writing!
Time Travel Detectives Further exercises after our research Create now and then paintings of familiar places: Our school Our local park Our high street Photographs/paintings of people from the past. Photographs/paintings of places from the past. Use sketch books to explore ideas, scale and composition.
Time Travel Detectives History EYFS What is history? History is things which happened in the past. Perhaps when your parents or grandparents were little! The census also helps us find out about the past.
Time Travel Detectives History EYFS How does the census help us find out about the past? Every 10 years the census asks questions to every home across the country. The answers show us how much life has changed since your parents and grandparents were little.
Time Travel Detectives How else can we find out about the past? We can ask older people about their lives. Today we’re going to prepare questions for an older person. They can tell us about their life growing up here.
Time Travel Detectives Questions for our older person: What did they play when they were younger? What did they eat when they were younger? Where did they shop when they were younger? What has changed since they were younger?
Time Travel Detectives Now let’s create pictures of our local area!
Time Travel Detectives Let’s make some old-fashioned food! Some food was eaten then, but may not be so popular now.