Doubling time of ΔminC and wild-type ΔmalT lineages with streptomycin. Doubling time of ΔminC and wild-type ΔmalT lineages with streptomycin. Values were extracted from the Fig. 1A (6-µg streptomycin ml−1) cells, which were previously pooled but are now sorted by generations. Box plots represent maximum doubling time, third quartile, median, first quartile, and minimum value. Lines connecting the box plots go through the median. (A) Box plots of ΔmalT doubling times. Generation times for ΔmalT lineages were rescaled because all of the lineages stopped dividing at this streptomycin concentration, and different lineages stopped at different times. Thus, generation = 0 was set as the point when the last division occurred. As a consequence, all cells at generation = 1 either lysed or failed to divide within an 800-min observation window (limited by the length of the videos). The shaded area highlights the maximum to minimum range of the doubling times observed at generation = 0. Sample sizes from generations −3 to 1 were 6, 17, 45, 94, and 94, respectively. The slope of a linear regression of the doubling times onto generations was significantly greater than zero (P < 0.001; r2 = 0.34; excluding generation = 1). (B) Box plots of ΔminC doubling times. The shaded area covers the same doubling time range as in panel A and corresponds to the maximum to minimum range of doubling times of the ΔmalT strain box plot at generation = 0. Sample sizes from generations 1 to 7 were 12, 35, 43, 51, 50, 43, and 38, respectively. Generations 8, 9, and 10 were not included or presented because their sample sizes were too small. Camilla U. Rang et al. mSphere 2018; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00428-18