Dissemination Strategy 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038383
What has been done so far Social Media Developed content for every compentece. Published content. Published OERs on social media. Channels: Linkedin and Facebook
What has been done so far Leaflet Platform centred Needs to be proofread Name of the platform needs to be discussed Only Inova gave suggestions so far Other three flyers would be developed for each target group, with partner suggestions. Maintaining the same base in theory Asti [IT]– November 2018
Dissemination Strategy Social Media Flyer Stakeholder List Multiplier Event Dissemination Plan
What’s next – Stakeholder List Per partner country: We should address all target groups in all countries; Even being specialized in different targets, we have to try to impact all targets in each country, since we want to help all targets and not only the one we specialize in. 20 stakeholders per partner country – mínimum 6 per target group per country Define International organizations and who to contact them.
What’s next – Promote Platform on Social Media Define name of the platform (or leave it as it is) On Entrecom4ALL pages. Creation of a tutorial video or pdf? On each partners page. On Stakeholders pages.
What’s next – Sent presentation mail to the stakeholders Create a mail to present the platform. Adapt to each target group. Adapt to the context of each partner country.
What’s next – Invite stakeholders to multiplier event The main objective would be to be able to gather all interested stakeholder in one place together, per partner country. Stakeholders motivate each other. Raises the potential of impact. Networking argument as an extra.