The Island Game
The Island Game
How did you feel during the course of this activity? Why? How did you feel when I stopped the activity and told you to go back to your desks? Why? Give an example during the activity when a majority of the class agreed upon a decision. What are some advantages and disadvantages to everybody having a say in the decision?
• Give an example during the activity when one person made decisions, or tried to make decisions, for the entire class. What are some advantages and disadvantages to one person making the decisions?
• Based on this experience, do you think one person making all the decisions can be trusted to govern? Give specific examples from the activity to support your opinion. • Based on this experience, do you think (all or many) people can be trusted to govern themselves? Give specific examples from the activity to support your opinion.
Autocracy-- When one person has all the power. VOCABULARY TO KNOW Autocracy-- When one person has all the power. Examples: An absolute Monarch (King or Queen), Dictator... Democracy- When people have all the power. Direct Democracy-- Every person (or citizen) has a vote. One person=One vote Majority Rules Representative Democracy (or a Republic)-- People vote for someone to "represent " them and vote on issues. Examples: A senator, Congressperson, Mayor...
OK. Let's see how you are doing OK... Let's see how you are doing... I will ask you a question and I want you to tell me whether the example is: #1 Direct Democracy, #2 Representative Democracy or #3 Autocracy 1. The whole class gets together and the majority votes to chip in and give me a $50 gift certificate for my birthday (Thanks!)
2. Many students tell Mr. Dunn that it was a bad day for homework, so he decides not give any homework that day. 3. A group of friends decide on which movie to go to by discussing three possible movies and voting on which one they want to see. Click to add text 4. You mother listens to you complain about not being allowed to stay out late at night and decides to let you stay out one hour later.
5. The Oakley City council votes to build a new City Hall.