Ultra Low Power platform for portable applications i.MX 7ULP Ultra Low Power platform for portable applications
ULP Family: Market Opportunity in Power Efficiency i.MX 8 series M4 6QuadPlus Advanced Graphics and Performance 6Quad i.MX 8M series M4 6DualPlus Advanced Audio and Video 6Dual M4 6DualLite i.MX 8X series ARM® v8-A (32-Bit / 64-Bit) BOM and Energy Efficiency 6Solo 6SoloX M4 ARM® v7-A (32-Bit) 6SoloLite i.MX 7 M4 Flexible Efficient Connectivity 6SLL 6UltraLite i.MX 7ULP M4 6ULL Ultra Low Power with Graphics I.MX 7ULP, a solution providing power efficiency for both portable and connected worlds. ARM® v7-A
Ultra-low Power Dynamic & Static Applications Processors Scalability of Embedded Processing the new normal Ultra-low Power Dynamic & Static ARM v8/v8m + GPU/DSP ARM v7/v7m + 2D/3D ARM v7m + Audio Applications Processors i.MX 7ULP i.MX 6UL/ULL/ULZ i.MX RT MCU The i.MX 7ULP family of processors represents NXP’s latest achievement in ultra-low-power processing for use cases demanding long battery life. Targeted towards the growing market of portable devices, the i.MX 7ULP family is built upon the heterogeneous asymmetric architecture utilizing both the ARM® Cortex®-A7 and Cortex-M4 cores, with separate isolated domains. The heterogeneous architecture provides the ultimate flexibility for customers by enabling a single-chip solution that can run sophisticated operating systems and provide real-time responsiveness.
HETEROGENEOUS PROCESSING: PROVIDING SOLUTIONS TO MARKET CHALLENGES OFFLOAD TASKS OPTIMIZE POWER INCREASE SECURITY RICH GRAPHICS Right core for the task Power gate maximum amount of silicon Allocate H/W access to silicon 3D/2D based rich UIs The i.MX 7ULP family of processors features a 3D and 2D Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), provides up to 32-bit LPDDR2/LPDDR3 memory interface and a number of other interfaces for connecting peripherals, such as WLAN, Bluetooth, GPS, displays, and camera sensors. The i.MX 7ULP processor is supported by NXP®’s companion power management ICs (PMICs).
Efficient 3D & 2D Graphics Heterogeneous Domain Computing i.MX 7ULP Key Highlights i.MX 7ULP Bringing together Apps Processor performance and MCU Low Power Ultra Low Power Efficient 3D & 2D Graphics Heterogeneous Domain Computing GC7000 nanoULTRA OpenGL ES 2.0/1.1 OpenVG 1.1 GC320 2D Composition Offloads tasks from 3D GPU Stretch/Shrinking, rotation, GUI processing Multiple software execution: Powerful processing using Cortex-A7 and Neon co-processor Real-time performance through Cortex-M4 System integrity and security Resource Domain Controller Fast Low Power Boot Safe Recovery of Application domain FDSOI Effective control of the transistor channel through biasing High Performance/mW extending battery life for portable devices. Performance on Demand with fast wake up times The i.MX 7ULP was designed and built with ultra low-power in mind. It is the first qualified processor using FD-SOI technology, so even at the transistor level – power is being managed. By providing low stand-by power and optimizing the run power, the i.MX 7ULP is able to help extend battery life for portable devices. The i.MX 7ULP family of processors features a 3D and 2D Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The combination of the 2D and 3D engines provides the most efficient combination of graphics supporting…. 32-bit LPDDR2/LPDDR3 memory interface and a number of The i.MX 7ULP processor is supported by NXP®’s companion power management ICs (PMICs).
Target Applications Wearables Home Control Portable Healthcare Portable Printing Gaming Accessories General Embedded Control IoT Edge The i.MX 7ULP supports various applications. End applications ranging from wearables to home Control to the IoT Edge. The common factor in the i.MX 7ULP target applications is the requirement for ultra low power consumption. Products then also benefit from the high performance and the rich HMI experience that the i.MX 7ULP can deliver. The i.MX 7ULP expands the crossover space and truly enables the spectrum from traditional MCU applications to applications historically supported by higher-end MPUs.
Cortex-A7 enables power efficiency This slide shows the logic behind choosing the A7 core for the i.MX 7ULP. Customers may lose a little performance compared to an A9, but the power efficiency improvement is significant. Source: Arm.com
i.MX 7ULP Applications Processor Specifications: CPU: Cortex-A7 @ 720MHz Cortex-M4 @ 200Mhz Process: 28nm FD-SOI Package: 14x14 393BGA, 0.5mm pitch: Consumer & Industrial 10x10 361BGA, 0.5mm pitch: Consumer Only Temp Range (junction): Industrial: -40C to +105C Consumer: 0C to +95C Key Features: Graphics GC7000 nanoULTRA GPU: OpenGL 2.0 / OpenVG GC320 Composition Engine Ultra Low Power Independent Real-time domain Ultra Low Run Current Memory options QSPI (on the fly decryption) 32-bit LPDDR2/3 @380MHz eMMC 5.0 /SD3.0 Connectivity USB HS OTG with PHY USB HS HOST HSIC I2C X 8, SPI X 4, UART X 8, SDIO X 2, I2S X 2 Security High Assurance Boot Crypto Acceleration: AES-128/256, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256 RNG and Tamper Detection CPU Cortex-A7 & Cortex-M4 Graphics GC7000 nanoULTRA GPU: OpenGL 2.0 / OpenVG GC320 Composition Engine Ultra-Low Power Independent Real-time domain Ultra-Low Run Current Memory options QSPI (on the fly decryption) 32-bit LPDDR2/3 @400MHz eMMC 5.0 /SD3.0 Connectivity USB HS OTG with PHY, USB HS HOST HSIC I2C X 8, SPI X 4, UART X 8, SDIO X 2, I2S X 2 Security High Assurance Boot Crypto Acceleration: AES-128/256, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256 RNG and Tamper Detection
28nm FD SOI Power – Performance Benefits Improved electrostatics enables shorter gate lengths Reduced device parasitics Device back bias allows for lower Vdd while maintaining performance Device tuning with back biasing to compensate process variation Analog Integration and Performance Benefits Higher gain, better matching and lower 1/f noise Gate first integration removes density rules for precision analog Better SER and Latchup Immunity 10-100x better SER performance versus 28nm bulk alternatives Thin buried oxide layer makes device immune to latchup Body Biasing: Faster when required and more energy efficient when performance isn’t as critical The leakage is lower using 28 nm FD-SOI due to the addition of the ultra-thin, buried oxide layer. Frequency can be increased through forward-body biasing, while leakage can be further reduced through reverse-body biasing.
NXP Complete Solutions i.MX7 ULP Family Processors PF1550 PMIC Sensors ULP EVK Development Platform + + = 720 MHz Cortex™-A7 NEON™ coprocessor ARM® Cortex™-M4, Targeting a broad range of Low Power Applications that rely on a multitude of Low power states to extend battery life to its fullest. Integration of NXP’s PMIC chip set with i.MX processor for optimization of power efficiency and software/hardware integration One-stop customer service and support during development phase to enable the design process MEMS gyroscopes for reliable sensing and measuring Magnetometers: measuring the magnitude and direction of magnetic fields Pressure Sensing Devices, composed of single silicon, piezoresistive devices Development platform: SOM based evaluation kit Linux® and Android™ Board Support Packages are available through NXP A Single Solution for Streamlined Performance The i.MX 7ULP is supported by a companion PMIC from NXP, as well as a variety of sensors. These attach products are supported in both hardware and software via the EVK and the board support packages that support the EVK.
i.MX 7ULP SOM Based Platform Enables fast use case evaluation through quick builds of of customized base boards. Allows customers to leverage the critical features of SOM design including DDR and PMIC design/layout. Design Files provided Schematics Layout BOM The NXP i.MX 7ULP Evaluation Kit (EVK) provides a platform for rapid evaluation of the i.MX 7ULP. The EVK enables HDMI output for simple out-of-the-box bring up but allows reconfiguration for MIPI displays. The EVK is designed as a System-On-Module (SOM) board that connects to an associated baseboard. The SOM provides 1 GB LPDDR3, 8 MB Quad SPI flash, Micro SD 3.0 card socket, WiFi/ Bluetooth capability, USB 2.0 OTG with Type C connector and an NXP PF1550 power management IC (PMIC). The baseboard provides additional capabilities including a full SD/MMC 3.0 card socket, audio codec, multiple sensors, an HDMI connector, and an alternate MIPI display connector. Additionally, the EVK facilitates software development with the ultimate goal of faster time to market through the support of both Linux® OS and AndroidTM rich operating systems, as well as FreeRTOS.
Planned Part Numbers: i.MX 7ULP Family All parts are orderable now and shipment is expected to start in Jun 2019 (Consumer) /Q3 2019 (Industrial) Part number Qual tier Package Main CPU On-chip SRAM Real-time companion CPU Real-time companion CPU: Tightly-coupled memory 2D & 3D GPU I2S SPI UART I2C USB Temperature range MCIMX7U5DVP07SC Consumer MAPBGA 393 ARM Cortex-A7 720 MHz 256 KB ARM Cortex-M4 200 MHz Y 4 8 USB 2.0 OTG +PHY, USB 2.0 Host +HSIC 0-95°C MCIMX7U5DVK07SC VFBGA 361 MCIMX7U3DVK07SC - MCIMX7U5CVP06SC Industrial ARM Cortex-A7 650 MHz -40-105°C MCIMX7U3CVP06SC Here is the complete list of part numbers.