Early Help Support Panels


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Presentation transcript:

Early Help Support Panels

Early Help Support Panel Case consultation for families who do not meet thresholds for Targeted Early Help and Social Work​ The monthly Early Help Support Panels in each of the three localities form a part of Westminster’s collaborative approach to delivering Early Help across the City. The meetings provide a place for practitioners and agencies working with children and young people aged 0-19 and their families to discuss children, who are at a pre-referral level, within a wider locality based partnership. The Panel provides case consultation for families who do not meet thresholds for Targeted Early Help and Social Work​. During discussions the panel will consider the ‘whole family’ and will look for opportunities for partners to promote resilience and strengthen relationships within the family system, including the relationship between the parents, in order that they may co-parent with more confidence and resolve conflict in a way that enables their children to thrive. To refer the following details will have to be shared: full names and date of births of all family members, including the full address. There is no referral form required, simply email or call the chair of the panel. The Panel requires the referrer to briefly outline the concerns and the family’s strengths – this can happen in person or via video call. The referrer must secure permission from the family first, however cases without consent can be discussed anonymously. 

Thresholds & Services - when to refer high concerns Tier 4 safeguarding / child protection concerns Tier 3 needs best met by a co-ordinated multi-agency support programme Tier 2 additional needs that can be met by a single agency Tier 1 needs that are being met or can be met by universal services Westminster Access and Assessment Team Westminster Targeted Early Help Team Early Help Support Panel / Organisations / Charities low concerns Universal Services

Thresholds & Services – how to refer Call or email the Access to Children’s Services Team Tier 4 Access and Assessment Team Tier 3 Targeted Early Help Team Tier 2 Early Help organisations and charities Tier 1 Universal Services Refer by Multi-Agency Assessment and Referral Form (MARF) Refer to Early Help Support Panel / refer directly / Family Information Service Search on the Family Information Service / open access

Westminster Children’s Services – Information and referral routes Family Information Service A free, impartial information directory for professionals and parents/carers of children and young people aged up to 19 (up to 25 years for those with additional needs) www.westminster.gov.uk/early-help Early Help advice and guidance Leslene White, Access Team EH Practice Manager is your point of contact for advice and guidance around possible Early Help referrals: 020 7641 3908 Young Westminster Advice and support for young people aged 16-24 https://www.westminster.gov.uk/young-westminster Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer The Local Offer website gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (up to and including 25 year olds) and their families, information about what support services the local authority think will be available in their local area. https://fisd.westminster.gov.uk/kb5/westminster/fis/localoffer.page?localofferchannel=0 SEND Front door In the Bi-Borough (Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster), a service called the Front Door has been set up to get professionals and parents get any information and support you may need in relation to a child’s SEND needs. Here you can also register children and young people on the Disabled Children’s Register. Sophie Buckland - Short Breaks Front Door Co-Ordinator / 079 2589 4176 / biboroughhealthnotifications@rbkc.gov.uk Adult Services Information and resources for people who need additional support to lead an independent life. www.westminster.gov.uk/adult-services / 020 7641 2500 / text 07944 521615 / adultsocialcare@westminster.gov.uk

Westminster Children’s Services – Information and referral routes Access to Children’s Services Team If you are a parent, carer or professional and have immediate concerns about the safety of a child or young person you should contact the Access to Childrens Services Team (“front door”) without delay on: 020 7641 4000 / accesstochildrensservices@westminster.gov.uk 9.00-17.00 weekdays, outside of these times, please contact the Emergency Duty Team on 020 7641 6000. Targeted Early Help Team and School Attendance All non-urgent referrals, which need a coordinated multi-agency support offer, including School Attendance referrals, will require a Multi-Agency and Assessment Referral Form (MARF) to be completed: https://fisd.westminster.gov.uk/kb5/westminster/fis/ehat.page Early Help Support Panel Case consultation and referral information/allocation for families who do not meet thresholds for Targeted Early Help and Social Work. Monthly Early Help Support Panels take place in each locality. Consent of family is desirable, no referral form is required. For an informal discussion or to refer please contact: North East locality (2nd Thursday of each month) Toni Sydney 020 7641 3541 / tsydney@westminster.gov.uk Peter Watt 020 7641 5436 / p.deputy@portmancentre.co.uk North West locality (3rd Thursday of each month) Robbert van Heel 020 7641 6646 / rvanheel@westminster.gov.uk Helen Chin-Fatt: 020 8969 5835 / hchinfatt@dorothygardner.co.uk South locality (3rd Tuesday of each month) Jemmelle Griffith: 020 7641 8471 / jgriffith@westminster.gov.uk Catherine Drake Wilkes: 020 7641 5676 / cdrakewilkes@westminster.gov.uk  

Family Information Service Renewed website for family information for children, young people, families and professionals www.westminster.gov.uk/early-help Includes the MARF referral process Accessible in multiple languages

Referral Criteria for Targeted Early Help Children not attending school regularly Parenting capacity manifesting itself in significant behavioural issues More than 10% unauthorised absence over last term, where school actions aren’t having an impact and absence relates to parenting incapacity Children where impact of parent’s mental health, domestic abuse or substance misuse on behaviour and well-being will escalate family into safeguarding or care entry without further intervention Fixed term exclusion of 5 days as direct result of parenting incapacity Younger child where older sibling has been convicted of serious youth violence, supplying drugs, or is known gang nominal Fixed term exclusion of at least 10 days in primary school or Year 7 as direct result of parenting incapacity 3 fixed term exclusions in primary school or Year 7 as direct result of parenting incapacity Other children who need help Children repeatedly (2 assessments in 1 year) assessed under section 17 or 47, but who do not subsequently require a child in need or child protection plan A child who is permanently excluded and not known to other teams in Children’s Services Children Missing Education (CME) – Referrals on these cases go to Access to Education Team, however if there are any safeguarding concerns they should come to Children’s Services Young Carers A child identified as a young carer following referral whose needs cannot be met through existing provision Prevention of children and young people committing offences Offending and Anti-Social Behaviour awareness work Delivery of Out of Court Disposal Triage work in conjunction with Youth Offending Team

Locality Teams - Early Help and Social Work