CalACES Project Steering Committee Meeting February 15, 2018
Public opportunity to speak on items not on the Agenda Call Meeting to Order Agenda Review Public opportunity to speak on items not on the Agenda Approve the Minutes of the January 18, 2018 Project Steering Committee Meeting and update of Action Items
CalACES/CalSAWS Planning
Agenda Task Overview Workflow 2 Progress Questions & Answers
Scope WORKFLOW 2 Workflow 1 Workflow 2 Workflow 3 Workflow 2: Conduct CalACES Alternatives Analysis and Cost Benefit Analysis WORKFLOW 2 KEY TASKS 01 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT Alternatives Analysis & Cost Benefit Analysis Scope Workflow 1 Continue Migration Planning and Joint Development Activities Workflow 2 Conduct CalACES Alternatives Analysis and Cost Benefit Analysis Workflow 3 Conduct CalSAWS Planning and Analysis IMPLEMENTATION ADVANCE PLANNING DOCUMENT 02 Re-baselined costs & funding request 03 REQUIREMENTS UPDATES Additions & revisions to technical requirements 04 ACQUISITION STRATEGY Determine procurement methods for implementation of the selected alternative
Identify Current, Proposed & New Options Task 1 Technical Assessment IAPDU Requirements Acquisition Strategy Identify Current, Proposed & New Options Identify & Frame Option Tradeoff Factors (e.g., risks, cost, timing, federal approval) Derive & Document Viable Options Develop Feasible Alternatives Define Evaluation & Scoring Criteria Conduct Analysis Identify Recurring & Non-recurring Costs Identify Quantitative & Qualitative Benefits Assess Risks Assess Timeline & Sequencing Assess Procurement Options Assess Impact on Existing Contracts Assess Impact on CalWIN Migration & CalSAWS Roadmap Identify Leading Alternative Lay Out Implications & Next Steps
Tasks 2-4 Technical Assessment IAPDU Prepare IAPDU Framework Incorporate Alternatives Analysis Incorporate Cost Benefit Analysis Update Budget Prepare IAPDU Package (Narrative & Appendices) Facilitate Review & Approval Assess Impact on Requirements Based on technical assessment results, requirements will be reviewed & updated as necessary Update Statement of Requirements Develop Acquisition Plan Document Initiate Acquisition Plan Requirements Acquisition Strategy
COMPLETED TASKS Workflow 2 Progress Facilitated project kick-off meeting held on January 18th Completed project initiation including email and SharePoint set up Expanded project team to include WCDS/CalWIN Consortium resource for full time involvement Facilitated daily and weekly meetings with project team and stakeholders Gathered Current Environment information Identified current, proposed and new options Identified option tradeoff factors (e.g., risks, cost, timing, federal approval) Derived viable options
Questions & Answers
Migration Planning Activities
Update: Integrated Change Control Process Migration Agenda Topics Update: Integrated Change Control Process
Update: Integrated Change Control Process # TASK/ACTION ITEMS Open Date Close Date PROGRESS 1 Committees will Prioritize SCRs no less than twice a year. 1/9/2017 Completed 2 Guiding Principles were agreed upon. 9/18/2017 10/11/2017 3 CalACES Enhancement Request (CER) form was developed. 10/3/2017 11/29/2017 4 CalACES (LRS) Defect/Triage Meeting to include C-IV/LRS Project staff. 1/8/2018 5 Work on test management in JIRA - replacement of HPQC. In Progress 6 Add Guiding Principles to CalACES Handbook. 7 Define what constitutes an Expedited SCR and develop CalACES process flow. 8 Need a CalACES form for Ad Hoc Report requests. 2/6/2018 County Process 9 CER Process Flow was developed. 11/1/2017 10 Develop CalACES Committee Escalation process flow. 11 SCR Process Flow for CalACES was reviewed and defined.
Update: Integrated Change Control Process Cont’d # TASK/ACTION ITEMS Open Date Close Date PROGRESS 12 CalACES Design Template was developed and will be used by CalACES Project, North & South. 11/29/2017 1/9/2018 Completed 13 Project Roles and Responsibilities - consortium. In Progress 14 Review and comment on the single SCR tool for CalACES, JIRA. 1/22/2018 15 The new SCR Planning Group (SPG) replaced the LRS Release Planning Group (RPG), which will include members from CalACES North and South. 2/6/2018 16 Discuss when to freeze creation of CCRs. 12/12/2017 County Process 17 Communication Process, CalACES Informational Transmital (CIT), release notes, etc… In Progress Note: Alignment of release notes enacted for 18.03 across both projects. Remainder In progress 18 Finalize Handbook 19 Joint SCRB/CCB processes 20 LRS contract changes - unified approach to change control process 21 Migration design differences review process 22 CalACES domain servieces and tools deployments 23 Review and consolidation of joint project meetings and attendees
BOTs Discussion: Next Steps
BOT (Automated Assistant) Workgroup recruitment - Mid March deadline BOTs Discussion BOT (Automated Assistant) Workgroup recruitment - Mid March deadline Agile Overview for RPMs and other Project Staff Initial implementation of Automated Assistant – CalACES Worker Q&A County Communication and Outreach Planning Tasks and Timeline
Governance & Implementation Status: Region 8
Region 8 RPMs Moving Forward Establishing Communication with our Bureaus Over the last month attended several existing Bureau meetings where we delivered a presentation on the CalACES project and discussed the role of the RPM’s. Formal request was sent to more than 30 Bureau Directors and Division Chiefs to designate the Primary Point of Contact (PPOC) that will represent their section. We estimate that we will need at least 25 PPOC’s to serve all bureaus and sections in Region 8. Scheduling visits with the various bureaus to communicate the importance of PPOCs and the new SCR and committee process. Reviewing CITs/CRFI’s to determine if they pertain to LA county and disseminate accordingly.
Region 8 RPMs Moving Forward Reinforcing the Governance and the Committee Voting Process Collaborating with LA County Bureaus to ensure that region 8 has appropriate representation in each Committee and Workgroup. Follow up with RCMs to ensure votes are submitted to the Consortium timely. Attending the Change Control Board (CCB) meeting as voting members on behalf of Region 8.
Region 8 RPMs Moving Forward Supporting our County Needs Sending weekly lists of issues/defects that pertains to Region 8 bureaus. Representing the Bureaus in the weekly Defect Triage meeting and following up with priority issues. Monitoring County Enhancement Requests submitted by LA Bureaus. Reviewing the back log of Enhancement Requests in coordination with the bureaus for submission thru the committee approval process. Began sending a detailed list to Region 8 bureaus of upcoming system changes that will be included in upcoming releases. Providing clarification regarding Consortium processes and LRS system functionality.
M&O Application Update
Automated Medi-Cal Discontinuance Mitigating Gaps M&O Agenda Topics Policy Automated Medi-Cal Discontinuance Mitigating Gaps Child Support Interface Update
Policy Please turn to the following handouts: 9-1 JPA-PSC Policy Update 021518.pptx And 9-2 Automated Batch Disc for Medi-Cal.pptx
State Update
Management Regional Site Visits
Conference 2018 Update
Regional Updates/Sharing
Adjourn Meeting