9/5/18 Week 3 Overview Focus: MODULE 2 Writing Process in Action: The Narrative Essay in Steps
Agenda Beginning Discussion Blog Addressing Assignments from Patterns Textbook Quiz: None Video Lectures Organizing the Essay Brainstorming Thesis Topic Sentences Looking Ahead Module 2: Week 4 Outlining Module 2: Week 5 1st Draft Self Revision/Edit Module 2: Week 6 Peer-Edit/Revision Teacher Edit Module 3: Future essay process Two weeks for the process Ending Q & A.
Assignments from Patterns Textbook Chapter 6: Narration what it is; including detail, varying sentence structure, using correct verb tenses, using transitions, structuring the essay, revising techniques, avoiding run-ons, student example of narrative essay, peer editing Read Indian Education; answered questions. You should NOW be familiarized with narration.
Patterns Assignment next week None
Review of Last Week’s Lesson You have read the Patterns textbook on the writing process You have turned in a lot of assignments You have turned in a revised FC essay TBG The objective for that lesson was to re-orient you to the writing process of editing/revision/formatting I am in the process of grading that and will return it back to you before next class.
Beginning Tonight Organizing the essay Brainstorming Thesis Writing Topic Sentences
How You Will Be Graded Brainstorming (25 Points) Thesis (50 points) Topic Sentences (50 points_
Graded Phone Conferences: Begin 9/10/18 Graded phone conferences will be September 10-October 8 (5 times) You will sign up for your time slot I will post the sign-up sheet on the Weebly. First come; first serve. You will designate your time on the Weebly blog provided. This will be posted tonight. For the conferences, will have a 15 minute window to discuss any confusion, questions, or problems you may be experiencing with the writing process, grades, etc. You must be punctual. If you miss your appointment, you will receive no points; however, you may re-schedule a conference, if needed, without points. Each phone conference is worth 25 points; however, the dialogue must be applicable to and pertinent to English. For example, one cannot say they simply do not have a question. You must discuss for at least 5 minutes any issues you are having with the process. Failure to do so will result in a 10 point deduction.
Let’s Begin Tonight’s Class See you online.