The schwa was here Bellwork week four
Monday, October 5th Cagey- adj- secretive and refusing to be open or direct Ballistic- adj- related to the movements of objects propelled through the air. “go ballistic”- to become extremely angry Catechism- noun- religious questions and answers Quantify- verb- to determine the number or range of something Phenomenon-noun- something notable or extraordinary Action verbs- tell what the subject does; implies energy and activeness in writing.
Monday, October 5th 7. Anonymity-noun- freedom from identification or the state of being unnoticed. 8. Prudence- noun- good judgment exercising caution 9. Immune- adj- safe from disease, resistant, and not affected. 10. Singe- verb- to scorch or burn something slightly 11. Threshold- noun- the starting point or entrance 12. Linking Verbs- express state of being (am, is, was, were, being, been); implies passiveness in writing.
Catechism is used on page 128. Write the sentence using the word. Tuesday, October 6 Word Search! Catechism is used on page 128. Write the sentence using the word. Dude, it’s reading time! Create a new Two Column Journal and complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
Tuesday, October 6 Write the entire sentence and complete it with the correct vocabulary word. I am _____________ to the chicken pox virus because I was immunized as a child. Please be careful not to ___________ my hair with the curling iron! I stepped through the ______________ of the school building, ready to begin the day.
Wednesday, October 7 Write the entire sentence and complete it with the correct vocabulary word. When I asked her to tell me the truth, she suddenly got very ___________. Mr. Crawley’s dog ___________________ ironically is not suited for her name, because she is impulsive. It is impossible to __________________ the value of education.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Wednesday, October 7 Copy the synonyms and complete the set with the correct vocabulary word. 1. Secrecy, namelessness, concealment: ______________________ Examination, instruction, questioning: ______________________ Measure, calculate, compute: _____________________________ Dude, it’s reading time! Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Thursday, October 8 Word Search! Ballistic is used on page 200. Write the sentence using the word. Dude, it’s reading time! Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
Thursday, October 8 Write a short tale (about 3-4 sentences) about a person who is practicing prudence by maintaining anonymity. In your story, tell why it is a good idea for this person to be unknown, how they manage it, and if they succeed! Use the vocab. words of course! We will share volunteered stories with the class.
Four Sentence Story The operative for the intelligence agency knew that it would be prudent to take the back exit when he left the apartment in Vienna. Leaving in an unmarked car, he pulled his gray hoodie up to conceal his face. Anonymity was his specialty, especially when hired in secret by a president of a warring country. No one saw him drive away.
Friday, October 9 Write the entire sentence and complete it with the correct vocabulary word. 1. The shooting stars were a ____________________ that I could not miss! 2. _________________(s) experts in the FBI lab identified the bullets the shooter used. 3. My dad showed _______________ when he decided not to drive his small car through the high flood waters.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Friday, October 9 Draw a picture of… a phenomenon at the school a person attempting anonymity Dude, it’s reading time! Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.