Environmental Biology Group Advising California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Biological Sciences Department
Objectives: General Degree Progress Report (DPR) Unit Conversion Where Are My Electives? Degree Progress Report Questions Environmental Biology Curriculum What To Do After This Advising Session? How Do I Contact An Advisor? Student Success Tools
You may be able to move excess units between Unit Conversion How do I convert semester units to quarter units? Are you on quarter curriculum? If so, 3 Semester Units X 1.5 = 4.5 Quarter Units 120 Semester Units X 1.5 = 180 Quarter Units The excess units that are accrued may count towards electives or unit deficiencies in elective areas due to conversion. 010105498 You may be able to move excess units between the elective areas. In order to do so, please see an advisor so they can file an advisor request.
Where Are My Electives? The “Core Elective Courses”, “Support Elective Courses”, or “Emphasis Elective Courses” may not be showing in the correct area or they may be in “Unused Courses”. You need to make sure that you see an advisor about discrepancies if you are graduating. They will submit a petition for your courses to be moved if it is NOT listed on our flexibility memos on the Biological Sciences Advising website.
Curriculum Sheet & Course History You need to know how to read your curriculum sheet so you can effectively communicate your concerns to an advisor. Disregard the DPR at this point! You will have to highlight the courses on your curriculum sheet to double-check your degree progress. Please have this with you for when you visit an advisor!
Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Ecology, Conservation, and Biodiversity
At least 18 units from your primary cluster and remaining 13 from the other cluster. You can choose here. **Not all BIO 4990 courses count towards this area make sure to meet with a faculty advisor to confirm if they count in this are. Flexibility Memo: Allow all courses listed in the most recent semester Environmental Biology Curriculum to count toward the Electives for all quarter curriculum years. One B5 course may count towards UD elective core units.
Depending on the cluster you choose your number of units may vary.
Read the requirements for electives and write down what electives you have taken that fulfill this requirements!
Degree Progress Report Questions What do I do if I submitted a petition and it is not reflected on my DPR? This does not mean that your petition was denied. Once your petition has been approved by the Dean’s Office, it will eventually be implemented - please save the digital copy as a proof! The Registrar’s Office will NOT process your petition until you apply for graduation. What do I do if an old advisor request is not reflected or is incorrectly reflected on my DPR? The Registrar’s Office is aware that they need to finish processing and/or adjusting advisor requests – they will not even look at it until you apply for graduation!
Flexibility Memos There is a memo in place that addresses the following insufficiencies for quarter curriculum students: BIO 211L: This course is not required for quarter curriculum students. BIO 325L: This course is not required for quarter curriculum students. BIO 490: This course is no longer offered. CHM 321L / CHM 327L: This course is no longer required. These issues will not be corrected before graduation; however, they will not affect your graduation status. 11036480
Flexibility Memos: Example BIO 325/325L BIOLOGY MEMO BIO 325/325L BIO 325/325L; OR BIO 3250 (4*) and Move BIO 3250 (0.5*) to Elective Core You may ignore this red box! This course has been completed.
Biology Curriculum Questions Biotechnology, Environmental, Biology (All Emphasis) Problem: The GE Area E is written in a way that implies a student must take all the courses in this area in order to graduate. Solution: Once a student completes one of the courses under GE Area E, the area will be marked as “complete”.
Biology Curriculum Questions Biotechnology, Environmental, Biology (All Emphasis) Problem: The Basic Microbiology (MIC 201/L or BIO 2060/L) course was articulated to one course; therefore, students received 6.0 Quarter Units for either MIC 201 (BIO 2060) or MIC 201L (BIO 2060L) instead of them being dispersed between the two courses. Solution: This will be resolved by the Registrar’s Office. You may ignore this issue.
What To Do After This Advising Session? DO NOT FREAK OUT! Disregard your DPR, base everything off your curriculum sheet & course history list. Cross off courses you have taken Write down electives in general areas If it doesn’t fall under the flexibility memos take note of it. Meet with an advisor to file a petition Meet with an advisor to double-check your curriculum sheet and progress as a student! DO NOT FREAK OUT (SERIOUSLY)!
How Do I Contact An Advisor? You can send an e-mail to bio_advisor@cpp.edu and we will attempt to assist you as soon as possible. It may take up to forty- eight business hours to receive a response.
BIO Staff Advisor Hours Available days/times are: Monday 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (walk-ins) Tuesday 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM (appointments) Wednesday 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (walk-ins) Thursday 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM (appointments) Make appointments by signing up via the Biological Sciences Department 8-119. All appointments and walk-ins will be in 94-290 across the university quad next to building 6.
Graduation Deadlines Graduation Early Commencement Participation Graduation Check Unit Conversion: A Friendly Reminder
Graduation Application Timeline
Early Commencement Participation Early Commencement Participation (ECP) is available to students that will not be completing their graduation requirements at the end of Spring Semester. At the time of submitting the ECP application, the student must only have 8 or fewer quarter units (6 or fewer semester units) to complete after the end of Spring Semester. At the time of submitting the ECP application, the student must be in good academic standing (2.0 in Major Core, CPP and Overall) Those students who meet the qualifications will be notified via email about their eligibility by a date to be announced. A $59 fee will be applied to the student’s financial.
Graduation Check If you plan to graduate in Fall 2019 Disregard DPR & use a curriculum sheet as a guide; cross out courses that have been completed Visit a biology staff advisor via appointment (sign-up via BIO Department 8-119) Apply graduation online before October 25th Try to submit your petitions before Nov. 1st, 2019 You should also provide the Registrar’s Office information or documents pertaining to your graduation requirements as soon as possible. Course Substitution Petition(s) Request To Add Or Drop A Minor Grade Forgiveness Through Course Repetition Transcripts From Other Institutions AP/IB Test Scores
Graduation Check Once you have been approved for graduation, you will receive the following e- mail from the Registrar’s Office. It is important to consistently check your university e-mail!