Week of January 14, 2019: Tuesday, January 22:
Put on IAN page 25 after we go over it. OPENING: 1/22/2019 If you have any recyclable materials for you PBL put in your class period trash bag with your name on the material. Water Cycle Diagram: Put on IAN page 25 after we go over it.
Water Cycle stations: ILLUSTRATE IT! WORK SESSION: 1/22/19 Water cycle notes(finishing other half of water distribution notes; YOU SHOULD ALREADY HAVE THIS ON IAN PAGE _____. IF YOU DO NOT have these notes then write the notes from the screen in your IAN on page _______. Water Cycle stations: ILLUSTRATE IT! Turn in Watch It and Read It stations TODAY!
CLOSING SESSION: 1/22/2019 Water Cycle Quick Check: page___ a. The energy that drives the water cycle comes from A. the sun. B. the Earth. C. the rain. D. oceans. b. Rain that falls on a steep, paved street during a thunderstorm would most likely be called: A. groundwater. B. runoff. C. a spring. D. a reservoir.
Water Cycle Quick Check continued.. C. How does the water cycle renew Earth’s supply of fresh water? A. evaporation. B. condensation C. the sun D. Precipitation d. Clouds are an example of which stage of the water cycle? A. Condensation B. evaporation C. percolation D. precipitation