Better Memory: Male or Female?
Question Who has a better memory males or females?
Purpose The purpose of this project is to determine who has a better memory: males or females. The reason this is important is because if you had something to be reminded you would know who to ask, males or females.
Hypothesis We hypothesize that females will have better memory then males. We believe this because in school males always seem to be reminded to do things.
Materials 96 pieces of paper 16 pencils 5 {15 word} word lists
Variables Manipulated: male and female Responding: number of words correctly recalled Constant: how many words on the lists
DIRECTOINS 1. Create 5 different word lists with 15 words on each . 2. Give out 1 piece of paper to each test subject. 3. Lay list of words on overhead. 4. Leave on overhead for 1 minute while test subjects study words. 5. After 1 minute remove list. 6. Ask subjects to write down how many words they remember. 7. Collect papers, count, and record number of correctly recalled words. 8. Repeat 1-7 for 4 more times.
Science Project Pictures
CONCLUSION Our hypothesis was correct. Females have better memory. The average female recall rate was 7.23. The average male recall rate was 6.84. If we repeated this experiment, we would change the amount of the boys and girls. Some days we had a different amount of boys and girls. If we did this experiment again we would make sure there were a equal amount of males and females.