Loudon County Schools Strategic Planning
Goal 1: Students will acquire and apply new knowledge to become college and career ready as well as participate productively as members of the community. Goal 2: The district will recruit, develop and maintain effective teachers who are required to remain current with the latest developments in content knowledge and research-based instructional strategies. Goal 3: Effective district and school administrators are well prepared and able to implement changes in curriculum and instruction that result in higher achievement and growth levels for all groups of students. Goal 4: District facilities and instructional resources facilitate high levels of learning. Goal 5: Strong partnerships with stakeholders in the community, including parents, businesses, and community leaders, will support student learning at home and school.
Goal 1 Students will acquire and apply new knowledge to become college and career ready as well as participate productively as members of the community.
Goal 1 Benchmarks Graduation Rate Increase from 85.9% to 92.51% ACT Rate Increase from 18.4 to 18.7 for Composite Scores Level 5 School District (Academically Exemplary) TN College of Applied Technology Auto Diesel, Welding, Nursing (January), Cosmetology (August)
Future Growth We would love to see 100% Graduation Rate 21 or higher average on ACT Continue to be Exemplary School District Continue to offer more opportunities for high school students
Goal 2 The district will recruit, develop and maintain effective teachers who are required to remain current with the latest developments in content knowledge and research-based instructional strategies.
Goal 2 Benchmarks All Teachers Certified and Highly Qualified Instructional Coaches Lots of success contributed to great Professional Development Loudon County School Board has been financially committed to teacher salary and supplies
Reading, Math, and Special Ed Coaches
Coaching Work We are engaging in purposeful, recurrent planning times provided to teachers for short and long range planning to incorporate research based instructional strategies and increase teacher content knowledge as needed.
Future Growth Continue to Support our Teachers Growth Continue to Retain our Teachers
Goal 3 Effective district and school administrators are well prepared and able to implement changes in curriculum and instruction that result in higher achievement and growth levels for all groups of students.
Goal 3 Benchmark Great Partnerships Amazing Collaboration Vanderbilt State Collaborative on Reforming Education Gates Foundation Learning Forward The New Teacher Project Amazing Collaboration School Visits
Future Growth Continue to Grow our Leaders Build New Leaders in our Network Continue to Support our Teachers and Staff
Goal 4 District facilities and instructional resources facilitate high levels of learning.
Eaton Elementary School New Laptops Playground Equipment Paved Road New Parking Lot New Awning (Coming) Resurfaced Track (Coming) Road to Track (Coming) Bleachers for Soccer field (Coming) Safe Entryway
Ft. Loudoun Middle School New School Building New Laptops Fieldhouse/concession stand/pressbox Athletic lights (Coming) Restriping Parking lot (Coming) Learning Lab / STEM Lab (Robotics, 3 D printing, etc.) Safe Entryway
Greenback School New School Building New Athletic Facility New Laptops New Greenhouse More Post Secondary Opportunities Safe Entryway
Highland Park Elementary School New Laptops New Wing New Cafeteria Renovation Safe Entryway Resurface the paving area (Coming) Bleacher Covers (Coming) Picnic Tables & Sidewalk in courtyard (Coming)
Loudon Elementary School New Administrative Complex and Connector Wing New Laptops New Playground Equipment New Pavement for Playground New Awning Safe Entryway
Loudon High School New Laptops New Wing & Cafeteria Addition New Tile in Chorus & Carpet in Library New Marquee (Coming) Restroom Renovation (Coming) Storage (Coming) Safe Entryway
North Middle School New Laptops New Bleachers New Carpet in Library New Fine Arts Room (Coming) New Basketball Goals Updating Basketball Locker Rooms Safe Entryway
Philadelphia Elementary School New Laptops New Cafeteria New Emergency Access Road Updates to Baseball Field Safe Entryway New Security Cameras and WiFi Upgrades (Coming) Replace Library Carpet (Coming) Replace Ceiling Tiles (Coming)
Steekee Elementary School New Laptops New Parking Area Sidewalk for Pre-K Safe Entryway
Goal 4 Benchmark Laptops 1:2 across District & 1:1 in several grade levels (Internet Safety) Early Literacy Pilot PreK-2 Wilson Foundations 8th – 12th ACT Preparation Response to Intervention and Instruction Supplementary Services from Title I & Special Education Loudon Sheriff’s Dept. provides great security and partnerships Nurse and Counselor in Every School Safe Entryway
Future Growth Starting a Literacy Pilot in 3rd – 5th Grade Continue ACT supports Elementary – High School Finalize our Common Formative Assessments
Goal 5 Strong partnerships with stakeholders in the community, including parents, businesses, and community leaders, will support student learning at home and school.
Community Partners
Future Growth Continue to add as much support and as many community partnerships as possible for our kids. We want to ensure they have as many partnerships as possible in order to create an environment of success in relation to obtaining a job or college opportunity.
Goal 1: Students will acquire and apply new knowledge to become college and career ready as well as participate productively as members of the community. Goal 2: The district will recruit, develop and maintain effective teachers who are required to remain current with the latest developments in content knowledge and research-based instructional strategies. Goal 3: Effective district and school administrators are well prepared and able to implement changes in curriculum and instruction that result in higher achievement and growth levels for all groups of students. Goal 4: District facilities and instructional resources facilitate high levels of learning. Goal 5: Strong partnerships with stakeholders in the community, including parents, businesses, and community leaders, will support student learning at home and school.
Thank you Mike Garren Loudon County Schools 100 River Rd Loudon, TN 37774 garrenm@loudoncounty.org (865)458-5411 ext. 1001