Parthenolide inhibits tumor promotion and increases p21 expression in vivo. Parthenolide inhibits tumor promotion and increases p21 expression in vivo. PTL was administered intraperitoneally on day 0, at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg into NMRI-Nu immunocompromised adult male mice. The drug was given every other day over a 10-day period, as indicated with arrows. JB6P+ cells were promoted with TPA and serum for 6 days in culture and injected, on day 10, subcutaneously into the shoulder region of PTL- or control (Ct)-treated mice. After tumor cell injection, PTL treatment was either ceased (A) or continued, as indicated with arrows, till the first appearance of the tumors, which was approximately after 10 additional days (B). Values represent the average ± SEM of (A) 1 experiment with 15 mice per group and of (B) 3 experiments with a total of 13 mice per group. Statistical significance between Ct and PTL is shown at specific days (*, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.001) and for the overall duration of the experiments by brackets P < 0.001 using 2-way ANOVA. C, TMA scores for Ki67, p21, and p65 from tumors taken from the mice in experiment (A). Scores represent the average ± SEM of the mean percentage staining of triplicate punches for each of 15 mouse tumors; statistical comparisons were done using independent sample t test. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. Akram Ghantous et al. Cancer Prev Res 2012;5:1298-1309 ©2012 by American Association for Cancer Research