Texas Rüegg, University Registrar LeTourneau University Paradigm of Abundance Texas Rüegg, University Registrar LeTourneau University
The Subway
You see the world through the lens of your paradigms.
April 12, 2012
November 21, 2012
The same boiling water that softens a potato also hardens an egg. Throw in the towel Or use it to wipe the sweat off your face and keep going. You chose your destiny, because you create it.
Paradigm of Abundance vs Scarcity
Right now! My Piece of the Pie If you have more – I have less. Its not fair that you have more I need it right now! Credit card Debt Instant gratification You owe me… My fair share Competition for everything Compromise If you have more – I have less. Too busy Blame – Always someone else’s fault ..All about appearance..
Scarcity As a Leader Fear of being replaced or being exposed Taking credit from others Micro-managing Control and Authority Won’t delegate Can’t develop themselves or others Talk a lot, but don’t do a lot Don’t give – Don’t volunteer
Scarcity As a Leader We even assign scarcity thinking To resources that are not scarce. Appreciation Praise Success Love
Burnout! Health Problem Family Problems Financial Problems Mental/Emotional Problems Drug Problems Crime….......... Without intervention – continues generation after generation.
The Problem Declining Market Financial Trust Cost Margins Who ate the last pie ever baked? - No one because we continue to make them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
3.14159265358979323846264338 3279502884197169399375105820 9749445923078164062862089986 2803482534211706798214808651 3282306647093844609550582231 7253594081284811174502841027 0193852110555964462294895493 0381964428810975665933446128 4756482337867831652712019091 4564856692346034861045432664 8213393607260249141273724587 0066063155881748815209209628 2925409171536436789259036001 1330530548820466521384146519 4151160943305727036575959195 3092186117381932611793105118 5480744623799627495673518857 5272489122793818301194912983 3673362440656643086021394946 395224737190702179860943702
Abundance There is more than enough …and if not we will make more!
Change doesn’t happen alone. Lift Others Up! Give credit Insure their success No limit to praise No limit to success When the team wins we all win Celebrate publicly Be creative with your reward power Train your replacement Bring them with you Change doesn’t happen alone. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquet eu mi quis lacinia. Ut fermentum a magna ut eleifend. Integer convallis suscipit ante eu varius. Morbi a purus dolor. Suspendisse sit amet ipsum finibus justo viverra blandit. Ut congue quis tortor eget sodales. Nulla a erat eget nunc hendrerit ultrices eu.
Tip the balance Allow other to shine Ensure their success Provide the environment Infinite Praise Infinite Opportunity Infinite Success
Display Abundance Give Abundantly Time Talent Finances - (tip you waiters!) Live Abundantly Our time is short How will you be remembered? Generate More Abundance Genealogy of leadership Contagious Leadership Make the world a better Place Display Abundance Tip the balance
Thank You Texas Rüegg Linkedin.com/in/texasruegg texasruegg@letu.edu www.letu.edu