Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady Pg. 834
Knight’s Code of Chivalry Mix Pair Share -- Read your slip to someone else. Listen while they read theirs to you. -- Thank them, find another partner. *Voice level 1 *No groups of 3
Chivalry Add to your list. What else have you learned about Knight’s Code of Chivalry?
On your desk... The paper from yesterday you got back (so you can refer to it today). A new piece of paper. Your book open to page 834. A pen or pencil.
On the new piece of paper... Historical Fact How It’s Portrayed in Fiction
Dame Ragnell
On your desk... T-Chart from yesterday. Medieval notes from earlier this week. Book open to page 839. Pen or pencil.
ERQ -- Create a Template Describe how the author of “Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady” has used and altered facts. Use at least two details from the story and knowledge from social studies to support your response. df