Find the right fit for you! Careers in Fluid Power Find the right fit for you!
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Fluid power is a workhorse of the U.S. economy Fluid power systems transmit more power in a smaller space than other forms of power transmission, making it the cross-cutting technology of choice for dozens of industries and hundreds of applications. Advantages of hydraulics include: High power to weight ratio High torque at low speed Ability to hold torque constant Ruggedness and reliability Advantages of pneumatics include: Inexpensive and lightweight Simple control systems Clean and non-reactive in magnetic environments Speed and precision
Basic hydraulic system and components
Basic pneumatic system and components
Fluid power is everywhere
Fluid power is everywhere
Fluid power is a $20 billion business in the U.S.
Fluid power employs 67,000 people in the U.S.
Customers employ 778,000 people in the U.S.
Society The Environment Technology Healthcare Future research You can make an impact on . . . Society The Environment Technology Healthcare Future research . . . and more
There are exciting career opportunities Design Engineers design fluid power systems and components as well as develop new concepts, applications and improvements of existing installations. Sales Engineers market and sell fluid power systems and components, working closely with fluid power manufacturers, distributors, and customers. Mechanics assemble and install fluid power systems and components, as well as troubleshoot and maintain systems on machines used in every facet of industry. Technicians operate machines equipped with fluid power systems as well as manufacture and test fluid power systems and components.
Here are average salaries and typical education Position Average Salary (From Bureau of Labor Statistics) Typical Education Design Engineer $84,190 Bachelor’s Degree Sales Engineer $100,000 Mechanic $49,100 Associate’s Degree Technician $54,480
NFPA represents 344 potential employers Manufacturers design, manufacture and sell fluid power components Distributors build and sell systems comprised of those components Suppliers provide raw materials and other services needed to make those components Suppliers 99 29% Manufacturers 193 56% Distributors 52 15%
NFPA Fluid Power Careers website Learn more . . . NFPA Fluid Power Careers website View fluid power job listings Get employment statistics Find a school Learn about scholarships Find out about fluid power certification Visit
How do I get started on a fluid power career? Continue taking fluid power classes at your university. Participate in the Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge capstone design team at your university. Create or participate in the Fluid Power Club supported by NFPA at your university. Get an International Fluid Power Society (IFPS) certification. Contact (insert speaker name and contact info) with questions about the industry or about internships available at (company name). Contact Amy Zignego at NFPA for more information. or 414-778-3376