Meet the teacher Welcome to Year 4
‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path’ Who are we? Within God’s family we nurture, teach and support each other opening doors for all. Our Christian values help us to flourish in school and in our community as beacons radiating the light of Jesus in all that we do. ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path’
Topic outline for this year will be: Autumn – Europe and the Ancient Greeks. Spring – Romans Summer – Liverpool
Trips and Residentials Any trips/residential planned with approx dates Spring – Chester – Roman museum Summer term – Liverpool and the Maritime Museum
PE will usually be on : Mondays (am) and Thursdays (pm) Your child will need the following items named: White t-shirt, black shorts (and jogging bottoms), trainers (for outside PE), pumps (for indoor PE). Plans can change due to other arrangements in school so please have PE kits in each day. We will send them home if they become dirty, or they will come home at the end of the half term.
We have a new member of staff Mrs Anderton who has joined us. Mrs Anderton will be in Year 2 in the mornings and then covering PPA within different classes in the afternoon. Mrs Anderton will be in our class on a Thursday (pm)
Reading in Year 4: Each child is expected to ‘Strive for five’ – this means reading at least 5 times a week at home. Reading records are provided for recording these and staff will also record when your child is heard in school. Reading Challenge: Read 4 times a week, at least two of these with an adult. Books to be signed at home and will be checked on a Friday and a rewards will be given!!
Our Curriculum ….. Explorers Readers Communicators Believers
‘Your Word Is a Lamp To My Feet and Light Unto My Path’ Psalm 119 Within God’s family we nurture, teach and support each other, opening doors for all. Our Christian values help us to flourish in school and in our community as beacons radiating the light of Jesus in all that we do.
Secrets to Success
Secrets to Success Award This year we are launching our ‘Secrets to Success’ award. All children are invited to take part and if completed will take part in a presentation night and receive an award. Children will receive a booklet with sections and activities in to complete Try New Things – Complete 5 activities off a chart that are new to them Work Hard – Attend a club for 5 weeks Push Ourselves – 1 minute talk on something they believe in Imagine – Project on the local area with how they choose to present it Understand Others – Helping task for 5 weeks Don’t Give Up – Read 10 books over the year with reviews
This is a whole school theme that will umbrella all our learning this year. It is supportive of our PSHEC curriculum and the Equalities Act. Each term, children will be introduced to different aspects of equality in class. The themes of friendship, diversity, equality will be explored through lovely picture books. Children will produce work relating to this and the topics raised will be discussed throughout the term in PSHE lessons and worship.
Reward system: Every day –assuming it’s been a positive one – a child should earn a proud cloud on their card. A completed card comes home and this means they can come in on the next Friday in their own clothes (not on photograph/visit/special Fridays)! Each week we will pick two of our children to receive an award for a special achievement that week (one linked to our ‘secrets to success’ and one to our Christian Values).
Lunch club: One of our mid-days, usually Mrs Weston, runs lunch club. Who is it for? Children who struggle to play safely and carefully outside Children who struggle with the noise and social side of play times Children who need to complete some class work or homework We do monitor who attends and make sure they don’t attend ‘too’ often and so they get some fresh air!
Who to speak to … First port of call should always be your child’s teacher. Mrs Friend is Executive Headteacher for Christ Church and Bishop Wilson Primary School. Mrs Grimster is Head of School and will not be teaching on Monday/Tuesdays. Mrs Hopwood is Assistant Headteacher For emergency information sharing please speak directly to staff or contact the school office 0151 3193333 We also have Mrs Trousdale our Learning Mentor who can support you too.
Time off school: In case of illness: phone school office before 9.30am Requested time off school: please email to explain why it is exceptional. A leaflet explaining fixed penalty notices has been sent out with the first newsletter of the school year. Late arrivals and regular time off school: Mrs Trousdale, Learning Mentor, will be in touch to offer support.
Home Learning: Every week – spellings / times tables (given out on a Wednesday ‘Tested’ on Monday ) Every week – literacy/numeracy alternating and a Mathletics Task), given out on Wednesday, handed in by Monday ) Times Tables – Important as Y4 will be tested at the end of year. Half termly – there is a project for each class which will be put in homework books each half term. This is to be handed in at the end of the half term. Please do speak to us!
Great Websites : Spelling Frame BBC Bitesize Spell Zone (word lists) The School Run (for parents!) Great Apps : Squeebles Hit the Button Doodle Maths
We need your support ~ thank you. PTA: Involving yourself with the PTA is important Next Meeting is Tuesday 1st October 5:30pm We need your support ~ thank you.